THE VOW OF OUR LOVE - ΜΑΡΚΕΛΛΑ ΧΑΤΖΗΜΙΤΣΗ στην εκπομπή Τρένο Φάντασμα στο Κανάλι 6

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Φωνή: Μαρκέλλα Χατζημιτσή
Πιάνο: Γιώργος Γιώρκας
Ραδιοφωνική βραδιά στις 8 Μαρτίου 2018 στην εκπομπή Τρένο Φάντασμα με τον Φάνη Κρίγκο στο Κανάλι 6.
Δευτέρα - Τρίτη - Πέμπτη 6 έως 9 το βράδυ και Τετάρτη 7 έως 10. Στους 98.6, 106, 106.9 και 107 στα fm.
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Στοιχεία τραγουδιού:
Στίχοι: Δημήτρης Αγαθοκλέους
Μουσική: Γιώργος Γιώρκας
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Μαρκέλλα Χατζημιτσή
When the love captures the moment
When two naked bodies sleep together
When two souls find each other
And all their life on another
When all has turn to magic
When it’s warmer when it’s cold
How the souls filed of each other
And everything then becomes as one
The atmosphere is filled with love
And when the dark replace the light
When the eyes are filled by night
And just two heartbeats are enough
How the passion then feel stronger
Captures the bodies in a strike
And every ray becomes so special
Like every vow of our love
When the bodies turn to puzzles
And when together they come as one
When the time exist no longer
In the booths of our minds
The dark them becomes the day
Cause our spirits shine as light
Brighten up our whole night
The atmosphere is filled with love
And when the dark replace the light
When the eyes are filled by night
And just two heartbeats are enough
How the passion then feel stronger
Captures the bodies in a strike
And every ray becomes so special
Like every vow of our love
Πιάνο: Γιώργος Γιώρκας
Ραδιοφωνική βραδιά στις 8 Μαρτίου 2018 στην εκπομπή Τρένο Φάντασμα με τον Φάνη Κρίγκο στο Κανάλι 6.
Δευτέρα - Τρίτη - Πέμπτη 6 έως 9 το βράδυ και Τετάρτη 7 έως 10. Στους 98.6, 106, 106.9 και 107 στα fm.
Facebook Group:
Στοιχεία τραγουδιού:
Στίχοι: Δημήτρης Αγαθοκλέους
Μουσική: Γιώργος Γιώρκας
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Μαρκέλλα Χατζημιτσή
When the love captures the moment
When two naked bodies sleep together
When two souls find each other
And all their life on another
When all has turn to magic
When it’s warmer when it’s cold
How the souls filed of each other
And everything then becomes as one
The atmosphere is filled with love
And when the dark replace the light
When the eyes are filled by night
And just two heartbeats are enough
How the passion then feel stronger
Captures the bodies in a strike
And every ray becomes so special
Like every vow of our love
When the bodies turn to puzzles
And when together they come as one
When the time exist no longer
In the booths of our minds
The dark them becomes the day
Cause our spirits shine as light
Brighten up our whole night
The atmosphere is filled with love
And when the dark replace the light
When the eyes are filled by night
And just two heartbeats are enough
How the passion then feel stronger
Captures the bodies in a strike
And every ray becomes so special
Like every vow of our love