#27 - (OOP) - Inheritance in Python

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Learn about Inheritance in Object Oriented Programming. Inheritance is one of the most powerful and important features of Object Oriented Programming (OOP). It is the mechanism that allows one class to inherit or acquire the properties and methods of another class. The class that inherits another class is called the Sub-class or the Child-class. On the other hand, the class being inherited is called the Super-class or the Parent-class.
When a child class inherits a parent class, the object of that child class can access and use all the properties and methods that are defined inside the parent class. In addition to the properties of parent class, a child class can also have it's own set of properties and methods. A child class can also overwrite the methods of it's parent class.
When a child class inherits a single parent class, it's called Single Inheritance. In Python, a child class is also able to inherit more than one parent class. That means one child class can acquire the properties and methods of multiple parent classes. This is called Multiple Inheritance.

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