PostgreSQL Security Features: Episode 5 - Data Encryption

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#PostgreSQL offers encryption at several levels, and provides flexibility in protecting data from unintentional disclosure due to media theft, unscrupulous #administrators, and insecure networks.

Types of #encryption with #Postgres include:
- Password encryption
- Encryption of data in specific columns
- Encryption of passwords and data on the network
- #SSL host #authentication, and
- Client-side encryption

You can also encrypt data at the #filesystem level. With this encryption option, the data is decrypted as it is read from the filesystem, which allows the database or the #DBA to process the data - but it is encrypted when stored on the disk. Another option is using Thales #Vormetric Transparent Encryption, or VTE.

Remember in our last video: use a least privilege approach to lock down roles and access privileges.

And stay tuned for our final episode of this series, where we’ll review #SQL Injection Attacks.

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Рекомендации по теме

Good, I need some treatment in my api to get the encrypted data in my database? tks
