This ONE Thing Can Change Your Relationships FOREVER | Mel Robbins

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The one thing that will change ANY relationship dynamic is... Watch to find out 😉

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The one thing that changed relationships for me was healing myself before going into the next!

I no longer need validation ❤️❤️❤️ I am validation


Best relationship is where yesterday’s fight does not stop today’s communication. Families are the deepest, most messed up relationships that we usually have 🖖


I agree with this but many people will just simply take and take and while you can give to someone with no expectation it does become wearing and destructive over time if you give and give and get nothing in return.


EVERYBODY needs to hear this!!! Family is so important. You're saving families, saving lives, saving the future!!! Thank you so much!!!


Relationships are beautiful when both come at it with 100%


In everything there is a blessing hidden away if we only have the patience and time to see it. This is so true in our lives, as well as in our relationships. Whether you're a parent, child, spouse, friend, sibling or even a neighbor - YOUR LIFE IS FULL OF BLESSINGS if you just stop and appreciate the little things. 🙏💞


If my parents were abusive to me throughout my childhood and are toxic it doesn't feel at all healthy for me be the one to fix things with them. Sorry


I love Julie's question and Mel's advice


HEALING URSELF, HEAL OTHER RELATIONSHIPS. Faster u stop going to the source that hurt u the faster u heal. THANK U. The amount of time ppl waste trying to fix things with them should end and spend it for urself to be happy and stop worrying about others.


This is exactly what I had to do with my family and it took an incredible journey to communicate with them.


111 popped up as I am typing this thank you so much ma'am you helped me realize more how much I want and actually need to reach out to my father and express my true love cause in hindsight I didn't give him the love he deserved cause I felt pushed away but it was just as much my fault as his and that's difficult to swallow but I am grateful for this message you sent me and the collective today. I hope you have an amazing day filled with love and blessings small or big for you and yours just as well Mel.

Truly thank from the depths of my heart and soul,

Bradley C. Brooks


Relationship building GOLD right here. Thank you soooo much Mel, you are a gem. Period


People you love should be seen, heard and appreciated by you— key sentence to improve any relation 👍Thanks


This is one of your best videos Mel . It is such a universal topic and you have just hit the nail on the head, by saying the most important thing at the start .


You have it. You have what you need to achieve all of your goals.

It's time to quite looking for what you don't have, and put your full attention on what you do have. It's time to bring out the best version of yourself, so that everyone around you can grow too.


You are in control of your thoughts, flipping the switch is real!


WOW WOW WOW…… Mel what a beautiful GIFT, my family, my 3 siblings have done this for over 50 yrs because my parents said “ I was the problem” in the family!
I have forgiven my parents who are gone now! I am at peace!
I do “ SELF LOVE” daily…… that has changed everything!!!
You rock Mel…… Blessings to you!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻✨💓✨🙏🏻🙏🏻


You’re amazing! This is eye opening. Thank you, Mel. ❤️


I am a great fan of yours from the Philippines, we would love to find you also on Spotify. ❤️🙏🏻


Thank you Mel. I needed to hear this. I have been spending the past few years working on myself: trying to love myself, trying to learn to speak my mind and to believe in myself. But, I have gotten a lot of push back from my family. My husband and my kids, as some of the people I was really close with. They were used to me bending over backwards trying to make everyone else happy. They were used to me dropping everything whenever they needed something or forgot to take care of something. They were used to me being the peacemaker even if that meant just making everyone else happy and all the things I wanted were pushed to the side. But when I started speaking up about my needs and how I felt, and trying to establish a space for myself, I didn't get the kind of loving support I had hoped for. Instead, I got anger and conflict whenever I tried to defend those boundaries. (BTW, my kids are in their 20s and out of the house) What do I do ?
