Fiesta ST Stage 2 Showdown | Map Reviews
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I drove the following car with these stage 2 maps.
Pumaspeed 2r
Peron 2 Pro
Revo II
Nexus 2N
Collins Performance CP2E
Superchips Bluefin stage 2
I also added into the mix TRS stage 2 and Mountune MR230 for advertised price, power and torque figures.
It's taken some time but I have managed to drive 6 of the main players when it comes to remapping your Mk7 Fiesta ST! Hopefully it helps to finally answer one of the most asked questions online within the Fiesta community "Lookin' to go stage 2, who's the best?"
Every cars map delivers its power and torque differently and you definitely feel that on the bum dyno. I had recorded driving 5 of the 6 map, my hard drive died and I lost the footage but the experience and info gained was too good not to share.
Bare with me as there is a lot of info to get through.
None of the companies mentioned in this video knew about or contributed to the making of this video other than passing over some of the power and torque figures via social media.
I hope you found the info helpful and helps guide towards a map that may suit your driving style and what you want to use the car for. My best advice is to drive as many as you can to get a feel for what you want but if that isn't possible, I hope my descriptions can help.
Prices and info were gathered by myself online from each companies website or by asking for some of the answers on a companies Social Media page. Prices and figures were correct as of early 2021 when I completed the research.
A huge thanks to guys who let me drive their cars, most who made a specific trip just to meet up and let me drive their pride and joy. Thanks for trusting me with the cars.
As always the rad AF music is written and produced by Avrilcadabra:
Who will I pick for my own car??
Follow on Instagram @fordyford215