Is This the Secret of Stonehenge's Construction?

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Modern engineers attempt to recreate the construction of Stonehenge using technology available to the original architects of this ancient iconic site.

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These people are amateurs compared to wally Wallington in Michigan ! He has mastered the science behind this technique


I've seen videos from the 1950's to 1960's of construction workers putting the stones on top of Stone hedge I'm sure can still be found on YouTube actually called the excavation and restoration of Stonehenge


The forgotten technology: wally Wallington


Wally Wallington showed how to do this over a decade ago. Funny how is you search his name, you get this video as number 1 in the list. And it has nothing to do with him.


They should have used fresh cut timber. The bark, the sap and friction combined gives you all the lubrication you need.


They didn’t give Wally any credit bruh


It’s obvious how they did it it’s called Wingardium Leviosa


There is an old clip in TikTok that shows being installed in the mid 1950's


I think it’s funny how humans today thinks it’s impossible for humans to have built stone henge and the pyramids without help or without machines. Humans are capable of some amazing ideas and accomplishments, there’s no telling what these great minds could’ve come up with, what kinds of cranes they might’ve had taking advantage of leverage and man power using weights and a fulcrum.


I could see them moving the stones on wooden sleds if the winters always
deposited snow in that era. Riding them up long Earthen ramps covered
in snow at the site. Then in the summer months digging away the dirt to
expose the rocks.


disproving aliens costs a thousand Big Macs per day


0:37 - 0:43 This is the most important and least mentioned part of this video. At 0:37, notice the top stone is laying on the ground but for 3 wooden timbers underneath it's middle. They had to use long levers to tip this stone on its side and shove one side of these timbers underneath it. Using their top-mounted wooden levers, they had to work those bottom timbers into place so

the stone was resting on their middle. Once this was done, they could teeter-totter the massive stone down on one end and up on the other, by adding heavy weights (lots of smaller stones) on the down end, so they could wedge in more bottom timbers.

0:42 Notice the built-up pile of bottom timbers now in place. By doing this many times, they can raise the stone up to a high level. Once it was slightly above the two vertical supporting stones, they could work it into place.

Rope had been invented at the time Stonehenge was built, but the wheel, pulleys, block & tackle had not been invented. Thanks to the discovery of ramps, inclined planes, and levers this stone work could be done. However, the men who built Stonehenge did not yet have metal tools. They had to use stone tools to shape the huge stones.

Beyond the amazing ability to build such a stone temple, the question remains, why did they undertake such a long and difficult project? At that time, humans believed in many gods, who controlled and were directly connected to weather, crop production, births, deaths and every aspect of human life. Mankind lived in a spiritually-dependent world in their every-day lives, often superstitious, but always connected to powerful deities who controlled life. Temples were necessary places where mankind could worship and pay reverence to their gods, as well as find favor for healthy crops, healthy births, safety and survival.

In today's technology-based 21st Century world, much of humanity does not see a need for the idea of a spiritual lifestyle. Nor do they feel a need for a continuous spiritual connection to God or gods, as a necessary part of survival. Perhaps the ancients were far more advanced in many ways than we are today?


Wally Wallington did this on his own without all this effort just by pivoting the stone like a seesaw, moving weights across the top of it from onde side to the other. Vastly more efficient without any need for wheels or dozens of men.


i bet there are like 50 easier ways to do it


Snow. Winter. Would be way more easy just use a sleight.


I think they used cranes and pullies, in the late 50's.
Like it is shown on the pictures. Etc etc.

But that is just my idea.


One guy beat y'all to it. Some dude on here said, they didn't have modern wooden stands.. there are some mysteries that peak our interests to the super natural. Yet, your concern is about the wooden stands...


Stonehenge stones are at least twice as big. Some measure 7 m tall above ground with another 3 underground


They are ignoring the mortar and tenon structure of the lintels. They were NOT flat on the bottom.


This is "How it's Made: 10, 000 BC".
It's still a massive undertaking. Why make a complete concentric circle?
Wouldn't one have been enough?
