Spoken Word: A Man's Promise

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A spiritual spoken word that the Lord put on my heart to speak to the hearts of women.

For all the women of the world today, I'd like to share some words.
And so you know I'm not a fraud I'll say I promise of their worth.
I Promise.
We as males are honored to serve next to you.
You make us better men.
So now we make this vow anew, to bless you until the end.
Of this small poem yes but more than that.
For this time is small and my dream is fat.
My prayers that you'd take more from us.
That we'd be more than "sweet boys that didn't lust."
Wow. Big Deal. That is real but we want to help heal the hurts that you feel.
Which you have received from the men who were fleas and caused that disease.
The thought brings me to my knees.
God please!
Help us to be the release.
For you are worth so much more than the world offers
Or the sins of the fathers who have wounded their daughters
To make you think you must be hotter or fodder a spirit that forces you to believe
you are "not enough," "must be better," or "unworthy in our Father's eyes."
Well those are lies!
That he despises and so I won't hide the truth from you any longer.
So here goes, we're about to rid you of those past woes
So please listen to the words my Father chose to call you by.
You are beautiful.
And you know I'm not just talkin about the clothes you wear
or the style of your hair or the makeup you put on to cover that face so bare
but something so much more sincere.
You know, I could swear that you still fear the things you hear
from the men who are too scared to love and care for the
perfect and gorgeous woman that God has made you to appear.
You are beautiful.
Believe me, no believe God when I say this is the truest thing you will ever receive.
You are strong!
Man, I could sing that song all day long if it would right the wrongs
that society has shouted at the top of it's deceitful lungs.
You are strong.
Or do you think Mary was weak?
No, God chose that blessed virgin because she leaked the Holy Spirit
from the peak of her head all down to her feet.
That's what you should seek.
You are strong.
Now listen, truly listen to this next message I have to bring.
You are worth everything.
I'll say it again. Ya know what, no, maybe I'll just sing.
You are worth everything.
That means that you deserve, no, you have the right
to invite all of God's light into your life and if any man should fight that
or use his words like a knife well that plight is more sinful
than the darkest of night.
No, our words as men should ignite your hearts, make them bright,
cause your souls to take flight, bring you to heights above the frightened mights
of this world that bite you and cause you strife.
What a sight that would be, right?
Even as a joke those words can poke holes in your soul
and invoke those feelings of being less than whole.
So don't tolerate it, it's already too late.
Stop waiting and start creating a standard for yourself
Write this down, hang it on a lanyard around yourself
Instead of leaving it dusty on the shelf it has been on for so long.
You are worthy to be served.
So don't you swerve from that service which you deserve.
Hide your pride and decided against the idea that you can
provide solely for yourself and don't need anyone else to confide in.
Whoever told ya that one, lied.
You are worthy to be served.
If you do not find a man who uses his own hands to bring about
a greater plan for your life, well, ya might as well be sifting sand.
We as men have learned that in order to earn your love we must
yearn for our Jesus and discern how we can bring about your glory.
We don't need a ring to share in your story.
We are your brothers.
And we love you. Dearly.
We hope you never weary of our servitude
and we pray you never stop calling us to be greater men.
With the end of this message I wish to send I beg that you
never pretend to be anyone other than who you were mean to be.
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you for using the example of our Blessed Mother! She is the true example of authentic womanhood!


Wooo. Raw, real talk, from a real man. Takes a real man to say it, as well as to understand it...ty


Sent shivers down my spine. Love this, so nice to see a man filled with the Holy Spirit and standing up for God's daughters


As a young woman who loves the lord, thank you for showing a sincere and honorable kind of love. Its encouraging to know that there are upright and Godly men still out there.


This is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard a man say. Thank you for being a child of the one true King.


i was just balling my eyes out because of my depression, feeling useless and unworthy, this brought me to more tears. but instead, they were tears of happiness, and i say thank you for that 


It is such a blessing to see a man who truely feels this way. It seems like the world is full of men who look to use and abuse us. God is good and thank you for sharing this with the world.


There are no words adequate enough to say how this touched my heart. As daughters of Christ, we are more than enough.


I was shown this by a friend about a week ago. I hadn't ever heard a man speaking to us like that before and it touched me so deeply.
The part about we don't need a ring and the one about the words poking holes in your soul just about brought me to tears.
It was beautiful


I am a victim of abuse of men, it is so helpful to hear this video.I am married now, but i turned to being gay because of the pain i was given by men . I was with her two years, but God saved me now. Don't get me wrong it it is still hard, but thank you for sharing this video, it helps heal the pain deep inside that lies in me.


It's crazy how God works into the details of our lives. Its literally 230 am. Searching Youtube for some cool spoken word and come accross yours. I just got home for the summer from college and being home means being in the past, which brings back so much frustration and hurt. God knows how hard it has been. But through you He's confirmed His love over and over. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made. Thank you so much for your obedience to His will.


I just want to hug this guy! God Bless you sweet heart!!


Bless God. We need more strong men like hm in the world. More men who loves the Lord.


He is the kind of man I would want to spend the rest of my life with, Thank you for restoring a little faith in humanity for me.


This made me cry and truly touched my heart. Thank you for giving me hope when I had lost all.


I Love this poem. The fact that he appreciates womand and knows our worth almost brung a tear to my eyes. Wish more men could come to see the importance of woman.


Man, I'm not even Christian but I'm nearly in tears. Your words and message are beautiful, and may your god bless you in life.


Dear Zach:  Can I just say thank you from the bottom of my heart?  I've got two older sisters who've been kicked around by guys who weren't worthy of them and an older brother who wants more than anything to be the man of God that will serve his wife with the tenderness and strength of Jesus. As I've grown up seeing the difference, I gotta say it gets me down to see how many jerks there are, and how few are the men after God's own heart.  Your poetry is beautiful, but your message is powerful, and I want you to know that you have given me hope, and put a smile on my face that will not soon disappear.  Thank you - your sister in Christ, Rosie.


I wish every man was as open and fearless like you, you are one of a kind hun


Thank you for such courage to speak to us broken women of men who don't get it! AMEN
