How to LEVEL UP EXTREMELY FAST in Wuthering waves Fast Union Leveling

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How to LEVEL UP EXTREMELY FAST in Wuthering waves Fast Union Leveling
Wuthering Waves or Wuwa is a new game so it's common to get lost and not know how to progress or level your union level Fast. I tried to explain everything and make Leveling as easy as possible in #wutheringwaves

Wuthering Waves is a story-rich open-world action RPG set in a post-apocalyptic world similiar to Genshin it has a Gacha Gamer System with the Best 5 Star Weapons and 5 Characters.

Video inspired by Braxophone DON'T GET STUCK! HOW TO RAISE UNION LEVEL FAST! Secret Tips for Early Game Union Level - Wuthering I love his Genshin impact videos his guides are the best! :D

Mtashed Tectone Zy0x - AVOID THESE MISTAKES! Essential Tips to Know When Starting Your Wuthering Waves Playthrough and IWinToLose Gaming - Wuthering Waves Beginner's Guide - 15 Tips to Progress Smoothly! inspired me to start this Channel :)
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Thanks for watching I hope the video was Helpful if you guys have any Wuthering waves tips then please let me know :D
Also please let me know if there is anything I can improve with my channel or the video :)


i explored 100% of all the map and still am at level 38 xD


I started on like the 25th and im ul34. It got harder to level when you hit 30. I’m trying to hit 40 bcz i’m at data bank level 21 but I need level 40 to utilize it 💀


I explored 100% of the map spent 150 pulls on yinlin (got her after 150pulls 😭) and I'm still at 38 how do i get at


I fkng ran out of quest and still fkng ul 31


Just saw the vid and did two bosses and I’m leveling sooo fast Thank you


Interactive map is going to be the slowest method for me because if I open anything else than wuthering wave... My whole computer is going to crash. Also btw I am at UL36 and still haven't done a single quest beside for 1 daily quest and the main story quest, yeah thats it and already at UL30 on day seven (I only spend 3 hour playtime per day so I am not spending too much time for normal people to use get there). I also did not fought like half the bosses until a few day ago(a few day ago cause I havent been playing wuwa for 3days) for the Data Bank Level (15 or 16 now I forgot cause I only played for 10 min today) and still at Milestone Lv3 when I got to UL32, only did it 3 day ago cause I realize there are Spectro Rover Waveband on Lv6.
Exploration 😀 of course I did that. Got to 44% Norfall Barrens on UL19 (uploaded the video on FastmanLv11 youtube channel btw)


This dude change my account's progress imma sub 💯💯💯


What's the link of the interactive map you use in this video?? There's a ton of them on google


By any chance did you run a channel called Kuro Raven, which is now currently called DarkRaven?
Idk why but your voice sounds very similar to his


I have 100% exploration no quest no Waveplates still 42 😂


What free 5 star should i get? I am pulling both Changli and Jinshi (both guaranteed)


Who should i pull for, Changli or Jinhshi (one of them is guaranteed for sure, but idk about the weapons too). I'm currently playing with rover, verina and yinlin all leveled at 70, waiting to reach union level 50 so i can level them up even more, but the union exp is moving in a turtle's pace. Alright i got deviated, pls help me choose who to pull :))


Yo the game just launched and here you are already giving tips on how to max out like let people enjoy
