Millions of Hits! Get Website Traffic For Free
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This is how to get website traffic for free.
Today you will learn to how to tap into high traffic media outlets, and put yourself in prime position to get website traffic for free.
In addition to free website traffic, this system will also allow you to get authoritative backlinks for free, that will improve your search engine optimisation efforts, so you can achieve a higher rank in Google and other search engines.
Plus, it will help to position you as a respected expert, and influential thought leader in your niche.
So today I will show you how to use this system, and give you the proven framework to get website traffic for free.
I want to show you how powerful this free website traffic method really is.
Fox News has received around 800 million visits in the last few months.
Reuters got around 250 million.
Chicago Tribune received around thirty million.
And The New York Times has got almost 2 billion visits.
Now, why am I telling you about these media outlets?
Well, they, and hundreds of other websites, are secretly using the system I am sharing with you today.
Today you will learn to get free traffic from them.
But why are these media outlets willing to send you website traffic for free?
Well, you see, each of these media outlets need to create and publish dozens of new articles every day.
And, that is a lot of content to produce in a short period of time, right?
So they use this system. They reach out to people like you, and get your thoughts and opinions, and in exchange they give you exposure.
So this system sits in the middle, and connects media outlets with people like you.
It allows you to connect with journalists and reporters.
Think of it as guest blogging, without the hassle.
You get all the same benefits, without any of the hard work.
Now, before you start using this to get website traffic for free, I want to give you the proven framework that will help you to get better results.
This is called the CARE framework, that was developed by ClickUp.
It stands for, Credentials, Authenticity, Relevancy and Exclusivity.
So, do you have the credentials needed to answer the question? Do you have the accurate knowledge they need?
Then, is your answer authentic? Is it genuine, or have you plagerized it?
Is your answer relevant to the questions being asked? Have you answered all the questions thoroughly and in detail?
And then, is your answer exclusive? Does it come from having first-hand knowledge of your niche? Is your answer a unique insight that they will not find anywhere else?
If you answer yes, then it will increase your changes of getting website traffic for free.
Today you will learn to how to tap into high traffic media outlets, and put yourself in prime position to get website traffic for free.
In addition to free website traffic, this system will also allow you to get authoritative backlinks for free, that will improve your search engine optimisation efforts, so you can achieve a higher rank in Google and other search engines.
Plus, it will help to position you as a respected expert, and influential thought leader in your niche.
So today I will show you how to use this system, and give you the proven framework to get website traffic for free.
I want to show you how powerful this free website traffic method really is.
Fox News has received around 800 million visits in the last few months.
Reuters got around 250 million.
Chicago Tribune received around thirty million.
And The New York Times has got almost 2 billion visits.
Now, why am I telling you about these media outlets?
Well, they, and hundreds of other websites, are secretly using the system I am sharing with you today.
Today you will learn to get free traffic from them.
But why are these media outlets willing to send you website traffic for free?
Well, you see, each of these media outlets need to create and publish dozens of new articles every day.
And, that is a lot of content to produce in a short period of time, right?
So they use this system. They reach out to people like you, and get your thoughts and opinions, and in exchange they give you exposure.
So this system sits in the middle, and connects media outlets with people like you.
It allows you to connect with journalists and reporters.
Think of it as guest blogging, without the hassle.
You get all the same benefits, without any of the hard work.
Now, before you start using this to get website traffic for free, I want to give you the proven framework that will help you to get better results.
This is called the CARE framework, that was developed by ClickUp.
It stands for, Credentials, Authenticity, Relevancy and Exclusivity.
So, do you have the credentials needed to answer the question? Do you have the accurate knowledge they need?
Then, is your answer authentic? Is it genuine, or have you plagerized it?
Is your answer relevant to the questions being asked? Have you answered all the questions thoroughly and in detail?
And then, is your answer exclusive? Does it come from having first-hand knowledge of your niche? Is your answer a unique insight that they will not find anywhere else?
If you answer yes, then it will increase your changes of getting website traffic for free.