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Storytime Reddit Stories Best of Reddit Pro Revenge

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I live in NY state. AT&T tried to charge my family HUNDREDS in roaming fees for my dad's band gig that they claimed hit a Canadian cell tower. In reality he was several hours SOUTH of where they claimed he was more so near the boarder of Pennsylvania. They were trying to convince my family that even though we had evidence he was playing in a band close to the Pennsylvania boarder (because he got paid, several people saw him, and they take pics for his social media), that he either lied to us about where he was or he (and I'm not kidding) teleported to Canada, claiming he somehow ended up there even though they admitted that his last ping location before that was (you guessed it) near the Pennsylvania boarder. We fought on the phone with them for several hours and were hung up on until finally we got one rational guy and told him we were thinking about taking legal action and taking it to small claims.


My husband, who had perfect credit, suddenly got an alert that there was a collection on him. It was from a cell phone company which we had never used. I called the company and found out the account was under an Asian first name with our last name with an address in Ontario, we live in Northern BC and are retired seniors. The company rep just kept repeating that it was my husband’s debt and when I stated that my husband had never even been to Ontario and his first name was not Asian name. The rude rep then stated that I didn’t know where my husband, 75 years old, was. I was starting to angry cry and asked to speak to her manager which she at first refused but when I insisted she passed me to her manager. I explained to her manager who immediately apologized and cancelled the debt and later contacted the credit bureau. I like to think the rep was fired but I doubt it.


My younger brother, I will cal bro, told me a story about someone copying off him while on eighth grade. This one girl would constantly copy his answers on tests and he was getting annoyed with it. On a geography test there was a certain question: “Why can’t you go further north upon reaching the North Pole.” He writes in “you will fall off the edge”. He knows she can see the answer that he filled in, then waits just before handing it in to change the answer.
The teacher usually reviews with the class the test afterwards. They get around to that question and like all of the other questions asked the class for the answer. The cheater raises her hand and repeats what she had copied from bro. The whole class laughs in unison. She tries to mutter “But bro wrote that, but knew she was caught in the act and kept silent with a red face of shame.


This story always reminds me of the first time I moved in with a boyfriend. He'd leave his button-down work shirts on the floor in the bedroom, even though we had a hamper ALSO in the bedroom a few steps away. (eyeroll) As I was recovering from cancer, I didn't always have a lot of energy to waste, and only asked a few times for him to please pick up his clothes and put them in the hamper before I let it go.

Months later. Boyfriend and I are in the bedroom chatting about nothing in particular, and his cat entered the room. Conversation hits a lull, we both look at the cat standing on a trio of his human's work shirts. I swear, it was like he said, 'Ah, now that I have your attention...' and *peed* *on* *the* *shirts.* Boyfriend gets mad, but I stop him. The cat's over a year old at the time, and had never done this before. "Hey. He waited several minutes while standing on your shirts for us to look at him before he peed on them. He's telling us something's wrong."

Kitty had a bladder infection so bad, we had to feed him special food for the rest of his life.

Boyfriend also got a bit better about picking up his clothes.

Cat was never punished for his one time peeing outside the box, and I even praised him for being thoughtful in using something we could just toss in the washer/dryer combo included with the unit.

Ahem. And boyfriend washed his own soiled shirts. Cat always knew I was the Cat Goddess, then cat, then the "cat slave" who had to clean out the litter box. Tried hard for a bit to try convincing the boyfriend to not let his cat be dominant to him, but no luck. I figured, if he's happy being a cat's slave, who am I to rob him of this joy?


1st story happened to me. Cops skank gf was on wrong side of road, hits me. Her bf comes (who is a cop and was NOT there) cops come to scene, talk to bf ONLY. Not me or my witnesses, I get the report which puts ME at fault, I try to contact everyone I can and I lost. I HATE police corruption. They look out for eachother no matter how wrong they are. Oh, bf tried to say that someone turning LEFT, OUT of a parking lot has the right of way over cars pulling IN from a busy street...clearly. like most cops, have NO CLUE about real life and real's disgusting


Why would you steal an idea when there's a CLEAR PAPER TRAIL to prove the idea wasn't yours?


In the US by law a debt collector must provide proof of the original debt upon request. If they can't or refuse to just contact your states Attorney Generals office and file a complaint with them against the debt collection agency. If it is a false claim on the original debt then the debt collection agency can lose the ability to operate in that state.


The one about being fired before he could quit, op missed a golden opportunity. He was fired purely for wanting to quit. That's illegal. He didn't do anything wrong and hadn't had any write-ups according to the story. Also, he totally could have collected unemployment from them since she didn't let him quite. She should have just let him quit. It didn't so anything against her and gave immense benefits to op


1:15:03 - Man, I had some flashbacks with this story. Every time I feel that my childhood wasn't *that* horrible, I am reminded when I hear stories like mine that I survived a very abusive childhood. Not just physical and emotional abuse but the type that children should never suffer through and a type of abuse I only recently found out about. My mother never starved me, I had a roof over my head, and clothes on my back and SOMETIMES she treated me like she actually cared about me. But man, oh, man... many times I wish she had given me up for adoption like she claimed everyone told her to do when she had me or if that couple who had found a lost child in Great America had succeeded in taking me home with them. (That is always an incident I look back upon with a great fondness and that's just... really sad.)

When I was six-years-old, I was taken to Great America by my dad, two cousins, and four children. I was not at all the youngest but was very small for my age. We were in front of the map of the park deciding on where to go. I saw an attraction I wanted to see and turned around to tell my dad to find that... they were all gone. Yup. They just walked off without me. I walked around the park for who knows how long before a couple found me. They thought I was abandoned at the park (can't blame them because although I was six, I looked more like I was four) and proceeded to make plans for me. I don't think they realized I was paying attention to their talk and they talked about where I could sleep (decided upon remodeling a spare bedroom), talked about where to send me to school (there was an excellent elementary school near by), who would pick me up from school (decided upon alternately picking me up), what about college? (Oh, yes, they decided that I would go to university and they would pay for it).

I know it sounds really creepy but I still commend them for it. They completely restructured their lives around a little girl they did not know and whom they thought had been abandoned. And they were a young couple too. I guess around their early to mid-20s and they were ready to take on the responsibility of raising a child that was still in their formative years. Eventually, I told them I should get back to my family and that I would look for them. Long story short, I did find them. I told my grandmother what happened when we returned home and my dad lost all privileges of taking me out as he had proven himself to be completely irresponsible. My grandmother was SUPER angry at the couple and said that she would have fought them tooth and nail to bring me back home.

A year later when we were talking about the incident, she said: "Man... you should have gone off with them. They had restructured their lives and you would have been able to get into a good university." Sometimes when I was younger, I would wonder what my life would have been like if I had stuck with the couple.


I think the chocolate wedding dress revenge is my fav story revenge ever. Completely petty and savage and 1000 percent effective :) The Poopy Bride.


Yep, At&T tried similar crap with me years ago. They absorbed a smaller company, I swapped to a different carrier during their transition canceled with the smaller company and paid my last bill. Two years later AT&T called and said I had an overdue bill. I told them I had NEVER had AT&T service so would not be paying them, several weeks/calls later I finally asked them what the phone number on the account was- rep couldn't tell me. They stopped calling but it still went on my credit history.


The playground one happened to me. My parents took me and my brother to a playground near the beach when we were arround 4/5. There was another boy who my brother started playing with. I had brought some dolls and was playing with them. Well the boy took one of my dolls and my brother pushed him trying to get it back. The parents separated them and mum took my brother to the car while the other mom told me to stop crying since he was already punished. The other boy then buried my doll in the sand box, which they had been digging in, and the hole was deep. By the time mom got back they were leaving and I was trying to dig the sand with my hands to find the doll... which I never did because my mom said it was time to go, then scolded me for loosing the doll when the other boy is the one who took it, then scolded me for trying to get the boy in trouble since he got brother in trouble.


The story about the school counselor sounds a lot like the one at the high school I went to (NW FL, middle of nowhere). Mine kinda screwed me over. So I don't know if they still do it or not, I'm assuming yes, but each yr we took the FCat test, was a statewide test everyone had to take. So my high school was 7th-12th. So same teachers and counselor for all grades. Well apparently in 8th grade I scored in the top 10% of the state on the FCat test, which honestly doesn't mean crap, cause it was honestly easy crap. So 9th grade they decided to stick me in Algebra Advanced Honors class. I had no clue what I was doing in there and I fell behind to the point the teacher told me to lay my head down on the desk and don't interrupt the class. The 2nd 9 weeks they finally moved me to a regular algebra class, but by then I was 9 weeks behind everyone else. So I ended up failing 9th grade thanks to how bad my grades were in that class. Honors classes should of been voluntary. I was also being bullied really bad, but that's a different thing altogether. Just sucks going from making A's and B's to failing a grade.I was getting bullied horribly and she didn't do much to help with that either. Oh well, ended up dropping out and getting my GED at 17 and joining the Army. So FU to Mrs.V.A.


The story reminds me of my dogs. When I was a kid, my family adopted a black german shepherd puppy. I'm Chinese and I was born in the year of the dog. I loved him. We played so much. He had grown up after a year or two. Police came to our house and said they had to take the dog as the dog was accused of biting a child. He was out running around. I had to call him at night because I was the only one he would listen to in my family. I led him to the truck knowing he was going to be euthanize. My dad decided to get another dog: another german shepherd puppy. This one was brown with patches of dark brown. My dad and my brother build a six foot tall fence and a dog house. I would play with him by dodging and running. He would try to bite and I let him as I wore a thick jacket and jeans. He wouldn't bite hard; just to get a hold of me. My sisters would take him walking with a leash together. After a while, I moved out of the house. I got a call from my brother that our dog had died. I cried. I have cats now. One I adopted. And another from a neighbor's house that decided to stay in my yard. It's nice to have friends like them.


10k fliers with wrong number: I'm only very new into the printing industry, however, even with discounts for bulk printing 10, 000 flyers on decent paper in color ink and good quality was not a small investment. That company had to have taken a loss for none of those reservations getting through and whoever was in charge of the event probably got earful if not a demotion.


I've been listening to a lot of r/ channels lately, and I have to say that you by far have the best reading voice. Some readers are so monotone they put me to sleep (not good while driving!) Other readers have such grating voices it makes my teeth hurt. This one is just right!


Great content. Only suggestion/ request would be to add chapters to it for finding our favorite stories to rewatch and show friends


"Sorry for my bad writing, I went to school in rural Florida." 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Everytime I think I want to comment on a story in this video, another one just as good comes along. This thing is so much fun 😊


I had a friend at another school who kept getting his lunch stolen along with his math homework. This guy is a math hobbyist taking what to him was a kindergarten class because it was a required subject. He coulda slept through class and aced all the exams. He was already doing differential calculus on his own. He made two copies of his homework, a real one and one with all kinds of errors such as division by zero ([expression] ÷ [[xy] - [xy]]). He also made fudge made with several bars of Ex Lax. He clued his math teacher on the bogus homework trap. He had the thief try to do one of the math problems on the board without something to copy from. The thief pooped his pants in front of the entire class. Seems the thief had a master key and was stealing homework in English, science, history, and other subjects from other students. The girls never let him forget he pooped his pants in class.
