Power from an artificial sun: Fusion reactor project aims to provide clean energy

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The assembly of the ITER fusion reactor began in the south of France this week in what has been called the biggest science project in human history. It is hoped the reactor will be able to produce clean using the same process that fuels the sun.

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this thing can get 13x hotter than the sun o_o


We have one in California. Though it only last less than a secomd. What do you use to keep it afloat?


Usa will say again China stole our Artificial Sun project🤣


' thought Liquid Fluorine Thorium Reactors were the safe, practical, economically feasible ones to go with! That thing looks like the CERN research on steroids.


We have been told fusion is just a decade the last 60 years


Stan Sandu
About the UNIFIED LAW! Part 1/2
To manage the construction and operation of the controlled thermonuclear reactor, we must revise our knowledge ETER*s removed from current science. The Eter is a material reality which represent 96% from the material mass of the Cosmos. All we see is just a state of concentrated eters ways. Electric current is an electrical eter and is not itself electrons. The electrons in an electrical conductor have only an intermediary role in electrical conduction. For magnetic trap, we the people need to work with the Ethereal matter of electromagnetic field; which withstands at millions of degrees!
A magnetic trap to dress and spatialized a thermonuclear plasma with millions of degrees has not been done on contemporary Earth humanity. In the case of the thermonuclear plasma, magnetic trap must have an ELECTROMAGNETIC field to evolve further into space from the source that creates, in order to surround a rigid wall and unpenetrable plasma globe with millions of degrees Celsius.
Broadcasting and movement in space of a powerful electromagnetic field flux is predicted theoretically, but there is manifested with all power in nature. For example, the Sun unfold temperatures of millions of degrees, and that noted specifically that there is a strong magnetosphere solar who dress tight the solar mass incandescent, goes into space billions of kilometers and returns and the top, and dressing again the solar incandescent mass.
From a theoretical stand-point, since 1860 J.C.Maxwell physicist says, as a electromagnetic radiation result not by varying fields, but and at the constant field, when varies the electrical permitivity, or magnetic permeability, or both. Surprisingly, the bottom of the scheme printed on the tombal stone of the King Pacal from Palenque- Mexico, is an electromagnetic reactiv motor, yet is a device that can produce and emit a strong electromagnetic field flux, the best for insulation and spatialized of the plasma, face of the walls of thermonuclear combustion chamber.
The texture of toroidal, poloidal or stellarator magnetic field is too rare for to a magnetic trap. The magnetic trap must let be one electromagnetic stratified wall with weaved at entrance and with disweaved at emergence. The electromagnetic wall of the magnetic trap is a wall with formation and continuous displacement.
Feeding a superconductive coil with an electrical current it obtain in the her round only a magnetic field. But disposing in the round of the superconductive coil a certain magnetic and dielectric pieces, it obtain the variation of the electrical permitivity and of the magnetic permeability, which will transform the magnetic field of the superconductive coil in electromagnetic field, which can evolve (go) more far away in space, without to close immediately the curl.
The model of thermonuclear controlled reactor proposed of myself – reproduces entirely the conditions from Sun. Viz: 1). Produce a globe of plasma and turned it with 800 m/s; 2).Ensure a magnetic trap with two electromagnetic crossed fields which dress and turn the globe of plasma; 3). Supply continuously with hydrogen in state of plasma and ensure the its confination. Moreover, makes possibly to direct gathering of the electrical current.
But in 1905, A.Einstein conclude that the ether hasn*t a correspondent in the reality. By excluding the ether Einstein*s Relativity deal prior with the geometrization of space and not with matter which fills this space.
The science has and history. In the Fundamental Principle of Democrit (470...380 BC) it show: ”From nothing nothing*s born; nothing that exist can not be destroyed and any transformation consists from a reunion and a separation. Nothing is hazardous, all it*s happening has a cause and a necessity. Out of atoms and ETHER, all rest is otherwise than rationament and do not exist. The SPIRIT as well as the ETHER consist of small and sferical atoms, very mobile, atoms that their movement form the phenomenon of LIFE”.
Today, on measure that the theory advances from clasic mechanics to the quantum mechanics the particle and wave are gradual dematerialize. The modern physics is blocked by enounciation of some laws and mistaken principles as: relativity theory; Hubble*s law; postulation that the atom can*t emit and absorb radiations continuously; admiting the postulate what claims the photons without mass a.s.o. These guide us at supernatural, and at the technical and technological blockage.
D.I.Mendeleev had shown through 1860: ”Studying the ether which penetrate in all the bodies and asking myself the question: from what is formed this ether*s mass, I had admitted the idea that theirs atoms, or his matter represent the primary matter, from which are formed all atoms. The existece to the one light mass, to the one light substance and less of chemical forces, is possibly but is even necessary”.
After Mendeleev*s opinion is possible and necessary the extension of periodical system for other size*s order – more small- of the ethereal matter particles. About the absolute vacuum space, M.Faraday had the certitude that it doesn*t exist, and exist only an incomplete vacuum whose spatial magnetic state is of the most importance for the natures phenomenons.
But the ETHER is a physical reality constituted from a very small matter, invisible for human eye, and is formed from atoms more small with 7...8 order of dimension than the atoms of the chemical elements. The matter of the ether penetrate in all the bodies and is the physical matter which fills both the interplanetary space and the interatomic space. The ether is a matter with mass and weigth, being subdued and she the action of the universal attraction law.
The REAL ELECTRIC LOAD is a particle of electrical ether more, more small than the electron, has and she a personal and rapid rotation, producing a personal magnetic field, which it gear with the magnetic field from the round of one electrical conductor. The ELECTRICAL FIELD is a field of particles of electrical ether, free and it move approximate in right line. The MAGNETIC FIELD from the round of one conductor is constituted forever from particles of the electrical ether, but magnetic coupled head at head and it move on a curve forming concentric circles in round to one conductor. The ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD is a combination of particles of electrical field and of curls of magnetic field, having property of the evolve in space.
The ELECTRICAL CURRENT consist in circulation in the round and in lengtways to one electrical conductor to the particles of electrical ether guided on the magnetic field from the round the electrical conductor. The gathering and the condensation of the particles of electrical ether it make with the help of the induction magnetic field when the electrical generator work. Here has place and the transformation a one part of particles of electrical ether in particles of the magnetic field from the round of the conductor.
The ACTUAL ELECTRICAL GENERATORS: galvanic elements and electrical accumulators; dynamos and alternators, thermoelements and photoelectric cell – transform NOTHING, but they only gather the electrical energy = the particle of the electrical ether which exist in metals, in the environing medium, in the thermic radiation or in the ray of light!


Artificial food not good artificial sun not good, natural food good natural sun good,


the music is as bad as the engineering
