The Ethansponge Investigation Part 1 (3/6) - The Sponge Friends Attack | Streamclips

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RandomDice (dicelol5), Nacho (NachonChis) and Monkaeh (Monkaehbutgameromg) battle against a horde of sponge friends, but Nacho sacrifices himself to the biggest group of them of all which they were chasing RandomDice.
8 March, 2025: RandomDice and Monkaeh play the experience, rope in Roblox. Which eventually leads to ethansponge34 to join as well, but things go a little out of hand as Monkaeh begins calling out mean and rude stuff towards him, causing him to go in full caps and also leaving the experience. But then RandomDice and Monkaeh go to his experience, cool game click pls which basically has a house and sponge friend with it. Then Nacho joins the experience, eventually leading to ethansponge34 returning. Monkaeh and ethansponge34 then have another fight leading to Nath’s alt joining. He jokes about having a turn h**ging himself until finding out that there’s a sponge friend. The 3 friends then begin bullying him, leading him to the edge of the map. They eventually push him off, making ethansponge34 angry at them. Then alt begins taking pictures at them, causing the news to capture the the photo, they eventually go to court and begin defending themselves. However, as Monkaeh and RandomDice begin ranting about who killed sponge friend, RandomDice admits that Monkaeh pushed sponge friend off and leading Dice and Nacho to help. The jury: Nathan, calls out Not Guilty on RandomDice, causing him to go free. He eventually returns to Ethan’s experience again with Nacho and Monkaeh to find out that sponge friend is gone, meaning that they really killed him. But that’s when they find out that they have came down from the sky, causing them to take action against them. RandomDice then finds out that they can cause damage, which then Nacho sacrifices himself with the sponge friends. That’s when Monkaeh uses a tactic to send them out of the map, making the others do the same thing. And when they finally take out the last minor groups of them, they celebrate with Sweet Victory. But they celebrate too soon, as the experience's servers have all shut down, meaning that there will be more coming after them. And when they reconnect to the experience, the sponge friends have now turned into bees, leading Nathan to join and help as well. They eventually take them out, but then the servers shut down again. And when they rejoin again, the sponge friends are now bigger and are flying, but when the servers shut down again. The group finds out that the sponge friends are now gone, and then the servers shut down again. But when they rejoin, the group has now split in to 2 groups as loud noises happen and big sponge friends rain on the house, leading to part 1/3 ending.
Streamclips is like Movieclips but with streams instead, as the clips now have an soundtrack and some sound effects added.
This is not official, it is made up by Nath’s Unused Stuff for fun.