3 secrets to Netflix's success | Reed Hastings and Chris Anderson

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What does it take to cultivate a culture of innovation and reinvention at work? Tracing his journey from math teacher to honesty-seeking executive, Netflix co-CEO Reed Hastings describes three key elements of a successful work culture, sharing how to design a company around inspiration, creativity and candor. (This discussion, hosted by head of TED Chris Anderson, was recorded September 4, 2020.)

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Netflix is successful because it keeps its subscribers' needs at heart. Its co-founders were courageous enough to steer the ship in a different direction than the industry and teach their teams to live by the business strategy of Adapt and adopt. The company's transformations are supported by technology innovations.👍


I have been so pleased to have found all the Korean content. Thank you so much for this, and also thank you for creating subtitles rather than dubbing the series.


Catering to people convenience and "wanting more of the same" as no other!


Finally, a YT Channel that is intelligent, has substantive content, and is about sharing the truth, right?

Stay safe everyone, from the NW of the USA.


Great interview. I feel the importance of organizing my thoughts.


I have been with NETFLIX since near the beginning. I love the convenience of sitting in my jammies at 3 AM, when I can't sleep, and looking for movies on DVD and streaming. I am retired and this is one of my perks. I just wish you had THE BIG BANG THEORY. Because of Netflix, I canceled DirecTV and saved myself over $100 every month. I love it. your variety is excellent I see movies from foreign countries that never show here. THE WAY BACK, "Central Station" from Brazil is great stuff. Bergman and other great directors. Film Noir that I grew up watching Cagney and Bogie great stuff. Thank you. Please acquire the Big Bang Theory.


Ask yourself what you will regret not having done at the end of your life.
Make a plan and do those things.


I absolutely agree that calling work relationships a "Family" is completely boundary breaking. It is a false and fake way of getting something out of someone without entering into the mutual respect one person needs to have with another on a business level, not a personal level. I have seen this psychology of "Family" also used as a way for managers to cross boundaries and ask for too much of his employees (no one is a Boss of anyone in truth, it is an exchange of skills for money) and overstep the original contractual agreement.


Another great interview Chris. Thank you.


I prefer the Netflix model - I don’t have to rewind the video when I’m done watching. [ask your parents, kids]


Congratulations on one of the most enjoyable and informative Ted Talks I've ever watched. Yes, I tend to eat far too much ice cream, but I've also enjoyed quite a bit of broccoli on Netflix too! I just wish we had the extensive choice of content on Australian Netflix that Americans enjoy.


Lovely watching and listening to both of you here on the top of the mountain.


Netflix innovated and brought movies to the people..


Coronavirus just made it better for netflix


Netflix changed the game just like Amazon. Things people can relate to and need


They succeeded because they provide cool stuff and entertaining


"They're gonna be terrified the whole time, isn't that a recipe for a toxic work culture?"
"Well...lean into the joy of winning if you're cut from netflix!!!"
Remind me never to work at Netflix


The harder you fall, the higher you bounce.

-The Shades


Going downhill with promoting the sexualisation of children in their latest.


I admire Netflix/Hastings but the employment practices seem a bit brutal. They seem in-line with the tech stereotype of hiring young, grinding them for years, and then discarding them with a pat on the back. That said, it sounds like there is more honesty about that work environment than examples of companies giving a cute speech to the fired employee about "you're graduating to greater experiences somewhere else". (On a related note, Patty McCord didn't seem entirely comfortable she left the company per an interview a few years ago. Maybe that has changed.) Maybe I'm wrong, maybe the employees do see themselves akin to elite athletes that get to be part of something big for a short time and then move on.
