Giovanni DiFeterici on his New SitePoint Book - 'The Web Designer's Roadmap'
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"The Web Designer's Roadmap is a book designed to explore the relationship between the creative process and the production pipeline for websites. Let's face it, web design is hard and we often fail to take the time to really look at a design process in earnest. Sometimes we get caught up in the technology. Sometimes we become wedded to a design idea, even to the detriment of our client's needs, or we are constrained by timelines that force us to implement poor solutions.
These are common problems that all designers face, but a good understanding of the design process can alleviate almost all of them. In this book, I discuss how I face all of these hurdles by approaching them from a creative standpoint. I try and show that creativity is also a process that can be learned and explored, that technology should be employed in the service of the content, not the other way around. I explore the many techniques and processes that we can use to communicate with out clients and implement great design solutions.
The Web Designer's Roadmap is also full of input from some of the best designers and thinkers in our industry. While researching for this book, I spent a great deal of time interviewing some amazing people. Don Norman, Meagan Fisher, Dave Rupert, and Daniel Burka all gave me their opinions about the design process, and that's just naming a few. This book is full of insights from some amazing people.
I hope that The Web Designer's Roadmap opens people's eyes to the possibilities we have available to us. I want them to see that even as this industry matures technologically and professionally, it can also grow creatively and artistically. We are the architects of a future that can be amazingly beautiful."