7 Hidden Signs a Taurus Man Likes You - Taurus Man in Love!

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Taurus men are hard to read when they have fallen head over heels in love. If you don’t know what to look for, you may miss all the subtle signs that this man is deeply fascinated, completely smitten and very much in love with you.

In this video you will find out what to look for and all the 7 hidden signs that signify when a Taurus man is really, deeply, completely in love with you.

1) He will suddenly act shy around you

A Taurus man in love will act like other men do when they are really not that interested. He will be shy and avoid eye contact and he will talk to other people while appearing to not hear a word you say.
This is just his way of trying to figure out if you are as interested in him as he is in you, and whether he can take the plunge without getting hurt.

2) It will feel like he is deliberately ignoring you

A Taurus man may go out of his way to avoid talking to you directly and if you are in a group he may find a way to never be close to you or make eye contact.
If you talk he may suddenly become engrossed in reading the menu or staring out of the window. This means he is actually crazy about you and is still trying to absorb that fact himself.

3) He will seem unaffected by your presence

A Taurus man in love will get a strange sense of purpose and confidence that he doesn’t normally have. He may appear to you to have lost all interest and not even be aware that you exist.
Inside he is just feeling the strength of his feeling and desperately trying not to show it. Be patient and give him time. His love is worth waiting for.

4) His eyes will give him away

All you need to do to know if a Taurus man is madly in love is to look into his eyes. He can’t help showing exactly how he feels, and that is why he may be avoiding eye contact and acting like he hardly knows you.
Be patient and stay open to him, he will find the courage to show his love in good time.

5) His lovemaking style will become softer

When a Taurus man is trying to impress and win you over, he will try to be a sex god in bed, but once he is in love he will want to kiss you more and will become much softer and more vulnerable.

6) He will make expensive gestures

A Taurus man is very much defined by material luxuries and when he really loves someone he will make gestures that give away how valuable you are in his eyes.
These gestures are not always expensive in a money sense, he may invite you to visit his senile grandmother, which in his eyes is a step closer to marriage.

7) He will show concern for your safety

Taurus men are possessive and obsessed with security so one way they show love is to be very concerned with how safe and secure you are. This is expressed in being protective and even bossy about the risks you take and the choices you make.
Take it as a compliment and show your appreciation, because if you fight him off or show that you don’t need him, he will find it harder to come to terms with being head over heels in love.
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My Taurus crush acts exactly like this whole video. I thought he wasn’t interested especially when he acts like he hardly knows me when I come around. I am glad I found this video. He likes me a lot yay! Now I have to be patient because I like him too. I actually told him and that’s when he started acting shy and awkward.


They don’t have to try to be a sex God....they are!


Now this making me think he stoped talking to me for a year cause of this 👁👄👁


i almost lost intrest in him but this helps


I'm with a Taurus weve been together 4 years this years xxxx


Sounds like he's playing games to me.... if you love someone you don't ignore them and act like they don't exist especially if they've never done anything to hurt your trust.


That’s exactly why I tell my boyfriend his eyes literally says it all.


I have a taurus guy crush. He acts exactly the same 1-3.


I’m a Leo-Virgo cusp. Currently dealing with Taurus. As a leo it hurts my feelings when he acts like I don’t exist or not affected by my presence… I take it the wrong way. But I understand that he’s doing it because he loves me. But still, Leo needs their partners attention. We aren’t official yet, but hopefully I’ll be his girlfriend soon. I’m in love with him. I’m glad videos like this exist so I can understand and not feel hurt as much. 😊
Ps: Leo likes attention from those who don’t give it so readily… I think ironically this challenge he presents is also what has made me fall for him…😊


i have a crush on a taurus guy, i met at summer camp and he just joined our school and i already am sure he likes . i just came to make sure.


So when he came over to fix my car last week he was hiding on purpose? I though I was disgusting to him or something because we had a fight awhile back and that was the first time I had seen him. So he misses me??!!oh my gosh ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Okay ughmm now u see he does all this stuff but im still scared to tell him


I am Taurus and I do all that I don't know why ☺️


As a Taurus woman, you'd think I'd be able to read a guy that shares my sign. Nope, they're almost always mysterious and reserved. That's Taurus for ya!


Ok but as a Capricorn this is how I act around my crush


Thanks, I was starting to get nervous.


I’m a Gemini with Leo rising 🥂👸🏻and yes he likes me and he is shy🤓


Omg I thought he doesn't give a fuck 😭


What if the taurus male knows I'm engaged and he continuously keeps trying to spend time with me. But won't open up emotionally when I need him to, if its just a hook up how do I stop this without breaking his ego. If I wasn't engaged I would completely be into him and everything you described about a women is exactly who I am 🤦🏼‍♀️💔
