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00:00 GM GM GM
01:00 Elon Musk on Bitcoin Conference?
03:20 Larry Fink in the new treasury
04:00 Welcome to the show
05:30 Which coins do well?
08:25 The bitcoin world gets interesting
11:02 Bitcoin preparing for next leg up
12:00 Free speech is key
13:30 Polymarket prediction of US nominee 2024
15:30 Pronounce President in 2024?
16:30 Biden is out? or was taken out?
17:22 Altcoin Update
17:45 Axelar
18:20 OriginTrail
20:00 Pixels, Decubate
21:15 Paid Network
21:52 AIT Protocol
22:27 Xion
24:05 QA
24:55 Ivans barber routines?
26:10 Polkadot?
29:00 Parallel EVM?
30:00 Spot ETH ETF priced in?
34:00 The Bitcoin Bubble
37:00 What happens with crypto when the stocks crash?
39:30 Outro

This information is what was found publicly on the internet. This is all my own opinion. All information is meant for public awareness and is public domain. Please take this information and do your own research.

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Good Morning Crypto

Ivan on Tech by Ivan Liljeqvist
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