♡ an aesthetic unboxing of the new iphone se 2020 🤍 #withme 📦

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read the description below and watch in 1080p!! (please ignore the typo in the video!!)

taking an unconventional turn on the classic unboxing video. i know there's already a lot of videos out there with the newly released iphone se, but since this is my first new phone in a while, i decided to film me unboxing it and decorating the case, etc, as well as compare it with my old iphone 7. keep watching for the aesthetics, and a comparison of the cameras against my bullet journal.

hope you enjoy this video and don't forget to like and subscribe!

—in this video—
2. wallpapers - my own photos, so I unfortunately can't link them or send them to anyone
3. iHome iBTW390 (wireless charger, alarm clock, bluetooth speaker) - costco wholesale (you can find it elsewhere online)

filmed with → iphone 7, iphone SE, and canon powershot SX280 HS
video editor → davinci resolve 16

Q: Can you buy my iPhone 7 from me?
A: Unfortunately no, our family decided to get me the new iPhone SE so that my dad can have my old iPhone 7
Q: How is the battery life on this iPhone SE?
Q: Where did I get my phone case?
A: I bought it in store, can't remember the brand, etc. You can find many affordable and high quality clear cases on Amazon though!

↳ music credit:
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Hi! I've had to remove a comment with the link of the printables for the following reasons:
1. The PDF I used is no longer available
2. The PDF linked was not the same one I used although by the same creator
3. while the printables are available for everyone to find, they're not my work and the creator has specific rules to follow. Therefore, I don't feel comfortable sharing the link, only redirecting people to their account.
4. The creator (2.5_km) also has a second account, kafei___ (3 underscores) with printables in the bio, but please check the "impt" highlight story on their account first, for rules for using the printables.


xumoon: has iphone for 4 years ~ no cracked screen
me: has iphone for 20 mins ~ drops and splits phone in half


I like that it was fast and to the point, and no talking


This was the most relaxing iPhone unboxing I’ve ever watched in my entire life


The iPhone 7 was "slow and glitching" hahahha try my android


Due to popular demand, I will be making a "what's on my iphone" video soon! It will most likely be uploaded at the end of the month since I still have to finish finals week, and edit the video

edit (5/25): there are lots of comments criticizing how I ruined my phone by putting a sticker on the back or how to do everything to fit and aesthetic or something of the like. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I just want to clarify that I am a very visual person who loves drawing and photography. I truly love playing around with “aesthetics, ” for lack of a better word, and decorating my belongings with colors and images that bring me peace. I’m not doing the “aesthetics” to fit into a category or to be like anyone else, I genuinely enjoy seeing the all colors, contrast, textures, clean lines, and seeing it all come together as a whole.



Absolutely Nobody:

iPhone 6 user: can i have ur 7


The camera being zoomed in actually makes it so satisfying


description says: "watch in 1080p"
me: "crying in 144p"


I wanna have iphone 11 but then the new iphone SE is more suitable for me and my mom could buy new phone for her also.


When u don't have iPhone and u watch this type of videos..
*life is amazing huh*


I currently have the original SE, yeah still, and a bunch of my friends thought it was dumb and kept saying “bigger is better, and the more expensive the better”. I, personally, don’t believe that’s true, so I may get this phone for my birthday. Sorta like an upgrade, it looks really great compared to the original. :D


*when everyone has already updated their phones and me here is just nvm AHAHAHAHA*


This video is so calming and comforting. I I watched it 3 times in a row.


i have the 6s rn but i’ve gotta wait til’ christmas to get anything over the price of £50 😌


The tech community needs more vids like this


I love the aesthetic in ur channel, it gives this kinda vibe :) and ur channel is growing too last time i saw ur vid u had 70 subs. keep up the good work and ur so underrated i can't😂


Please check the description box first for answered questions about the iPhone and the video!!!

EDIT 5/13: A HUGE THANK YOU FOR 1K SUBS! ITS INSANE THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT! At the beginning of the month, I was at 57 subscribers and getting an average of 50ish views per upload. I can't believe this timing of this video and I cannot thank you guys enough for liking my videos enough to subscribe! I hope to be able to push out more content more frequently soon!

Thank you so much for the love and support the past few days, I still can't comprehend it! Although I've been uploading for over a year, I still feel pretty new and am still trying things out and developing editing and filming styles and trying to rebrand my channel. Please feel free to comment any questions, or suggestions about my channel or content or anything!

Also, since this has been requested a few times, if I were to make a "what's on my iphone" video, would you prefer a live, spoken explanation or a screen recording with captions
EDIT: i've decided to do a screen recording, since I'm sticking with the no talking, no face reveal rules i set for myself. I will be making and uploading a what's on my iphone video soon, near the end of the month since I still have finals to go through


O M G! I just got two days ago the iPhone SE too hahah, I also switched from iPhone 7 to iPhone SE and I’m def glad I did. Glad to people recording videos abt it😄


sheeshhh, i rewatched it after 3 years and still one of the best phone unboxing video🎉
