SOK Psalm 19

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Sons of Korah Psalm 19
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Elohim utilized Psalm 19 to speak to me in a way I could understand. I'm thankful God opened a door to allow me to see the musical gift He gave SOK. The Creator of everything from the quark to the galaxies. 30k worshiped the creation /nature most of my life, finally realizing it all pointed to the Creator. I still enjoy the mountains, sunsets, oceans, rivers, wildlife, stars and sky - just much more deeply now. Thank you SOK for using your gifts for His GLORY!


your music is a beautiful blessing-singing the psalms is what we are meant to do
I am grateful for your excellence. The intricate harmonies, instrumentation, and rhythms that so expertly express the ancient words have made their way into my memory and sing through my mind as I seek the Lord.


To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David.
Psalm 19:1-6
1 The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
2 Day to day pours out speech,
and night to night reveals knowledge.
3 There is no speech, nor are there words,
whose voice is not heard.
4 Their voice goes out through all the earth,
and their words to the end of the world.
In them he has set a tent for the sun,
5 which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber,
and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy.
6 Its rising is from the end of the heavens,
and its circuit to the end of them,
and there is nothing hidden from its heat.


The first time I heard Sons of Korah was at a Passover celebration this year. Can't believe I've not heard them before. Very inspiring.


Thought of this while night hiking up Mt Whitney during a meteor shower. :-)


Praise the Lord! Your music is like food to my soul. All the instruments and voices brings heaven on earth. So happy you were recommended to me and now I can add you to my praise and worship collection. SHALOM!!


This is absolutely beautiful. It is amazing to be able to get an idea on how these songs might have sounded. Reading them it’s difficult to comprehend how it is music. Beautiful job!


Bless the Lord for servants like Sons of Korah. REALLY love "studio" sets like this one, Psalm 93 and Psalm 77. So much energy, excellent recording quality and watching the musicians is terrific. More please?


Another great Sons of Korah song! I was not familiar with this one. Thank you for sharing your gifts and love for the Lord!


I absolutely love this band!! Fantastic musicianship and composition.


absolutely love it. Praise YHWH, Thank you guys for such an amazing worship. I listen to you almost every single day on Spotify.


The absolute best version of Psalms 19 that I've ever heard!


Sons of Korah music carries Heavenly beauty. So incredibly anointed! My spirit sings!! ♥️♥️♥️🔥🔥🔥


Même dans le tombeau JÉSUS Est SEIGNEUR !!!! Amen et ALLÉLUIA !!!!


Thank you again SOK. We use some of your songs in our praises. I hope I
do you justice by having the lyrics as correct as I can. Praise be to Our Heavenly Father !! LYRICS:

PSALM 19 --- “Sons of Korah”

The Heavens declare the Glory Of God
The skies they proclaim all the works – of His hand
Day after day, they pour forth their speech
Night after night they display -- His Knowledge

Who? Who?


There is no speech nor any language where their voice is not heard
Their voice goes out unto the ends of all of the earth
Their words to the world

In the Heavens He has fixed them for the sun
Its like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion
Like a champion running his race and rejoicing
From the heat of, the heat of the sun, nothing can hide
It rises at one end of the sky, goes to the other
It’s like a champion running his race and rejoicing

Yeah - eh! Yeah - eh!


Beautiful!! Thank you Nathan Reynolds for sharing! Thank you Father for the gift of music!


God bless you all. Love you more than al the others! Your songs have helped me internalise God's word, more os than nay any singers, so i could overcome my depressive illness in Christ and with Christ.

Feasting My Good Life.
The Wicked captivated my truth.
The truth of my heart and mind.
And wound me around their lies,
knotting me out of my own reality,
into the dungeons of torture below.

Unable to unravel their cob webs.
The wicked took control of my life.
And brought much pain and misery,
feasting on my God given good life,
at the expense of my own welfare.

Yet when Christ light lit up my night.
Saw Him reign from clouds of heaven.
The Wicked sprung all their traps,
thinking i was as good as dead,
trapped in their nasty Fowler's nets.

Yet the Lion of the tribe of Judea.
Killed the goats great and small!
And set me free from their control,
giving me back my freedom in Him.
Feasting good times growing New Life.



This is gorgeous. I have to admit though, the style reminds me of the little river band. Excellent excellent music! Y’all are fast becoming one of my favorites!


The best musician's to Grace the earth😮🎉❤😊 Thank you your Majesty.


Wow! I was feeling so lost in the world until I found your music. God has blessed you all with a gift of peace. Thank you. UK. New follower @2018.x
