Trust The Process || Stop Worrying, Relax & Allow The Universe To Deliver || 432 Hz Sound Healing

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Trust The Process || 432 Hz Powerful Beautiful Sound Healing To Stop Worrying || Let Go, Relax & Allow The Universe To Deliver 💗 Calm Your Mind & Return To Peace. You Are Safe. You Are Loved. You Are Guided.

💜💗Do you need deeper support and healing?

Welcome, Dear Soul💗 We present this beautiful therapeutic 432 Hz music, with a written poem and powerful I am affirmations for self-healing in our video, to create a container for self-inquiry, rest, and self-healing. Allow yourself to just be as you are for a while. Calm down, go within, and allow yourself to relax deeply. Lean back, surrender to the process, and allow the universe to work on your behalf. All is well.

As you listen, just allow yourself to be for a while. Trust that everything is unfolding as it should. There is nothing to do or to be done since everything is already happening. Your body and spirit already know what to do in order to heal, let it...

“Music based on 432hz will support humanity on its way towards spiritual freedom. “
– Rudolph Steiner.

Read more about 432 Hz below.

💗Dear Listener 💗

As You listen. Repeat the affirmations here or on the screen and make them your own. Change the way you think, and you will change your life for the better.

My true strength is found in my vulnerability.
I give myself permission to soften into my vulnerability.

I allow myself to be witnessed without any masks.
I am authentic and true.

I let my guard down, and I am tearing down the walls I have built around my heart to protect myself. I am safe and I am loved.

I want the best for myself and everyone I meet.
I am a good human being.

I am worthy of being loved and accepted just as I am.

Even though I might feel fear sometimes, I am willing to step into the unknown.
I embrace whatever comes because I know that I am capable of overcoming any obstacles on my path.

I am grateful that I do not have to do it all on my own.
I am surrounded by people, beings and unseen forces that want to help me.

I am willing to ask for help,
and my heart is open to receive help when it is offered to me.

I am worthy of a helping hand.
I am worthy of love.

I have people in my life that I can truly trust, and for this I am truly grateful.

All of my needs are always met.
I live in an abundant universe and there is enough for me to thrive and be well.

I feel safe knowing that the universe loves and supports me in everything that I do.

I allow myself to rest when I am tired.
I trust that the universe is working on my behalf too, even when I rest.

Sending you so much love and support,
Self-Healing Collective. 💗


With a royalty-free license, you can use our music in your next guided meditation project, as background music on your own YouTube channel, for your podcast, video game etc.


432 HZ

432 Hz resonates musically with the Schuman resonance, at 8 Hz, also referred to as the heartbeat of the earth. How do 432 Hz and 8 Hz resonate with each other?

If we tune an instrument to 432 Hz and play a C note, we get 256 Hz. And due to the sympathetic resonance of the overtone of the note, it will produce another C at precisely 8 Hz.
Any music produced at 432 Hz will be in harmony with the frequency of Earth, and thus have a healing impact on the listener.

🌸 Learn More🌸



We at Self-Healing Collective have a deep passion for music, spirituality, prayer, mindfulness, nature, healing, and creativity. We wish to inspire and create a peaceful and safe space here on Youtube for self-healing, spiritual growth, prayer, meditation, and divine connection through our music and visual content.

What we wish for you:
Inner peace, healing, positive growth, purpose, understanding, and connections.

What we believe in:
The love of God, Power of the mind, spirituality, growth, oneness, meditation, and wisdom.

What we stand for:
Empowerment through self-healing and that all of us have great power within.

What we support:
Everything that promotes health, and personal, physical, and spiritual growth.

What we care about:
The evolution of our people and the direction we are going collectively as a species. We wish to assist the earth in raising the collective vibration. We care about and love the planet that is our home.

We support you on your path of self-discovery and growth.

Our spirit greets yours.
Infinite love to all,
Christine & Hanne
Рекомендации по теме

Dear Soul. 🕊💚

To be strong sometimes means to stop fighting so hard.
It is okay to not be able to do it all on your own.

Asking for help is a humbling act of courage.
People, beings, and unseen forces want to help.
Be courageous. Let them.

Let the mask drop.

We all need to stop
depriving each other
the chance to witness
and to be witnessed
in our authentic humanity.

We will all become better for it.

Vulnerability is a gift
allowing everyone to expand
their heart in compassion.

To give is to receive,
and the gift of receiving
is a gift unto itself.

Open up and allow.

🕊💚 Read the description for more information to support you further

Download music from our music shop for unlimited offline listening:

🌈Do you want to use our music in your project or business?
Buy the royalty-free license to our music in our onlineshop:

💚Remember to like and subscribe to our youtube channel if you find value in our content.
We are here to support YOU on your journey towards deeper love, growth, and healing. As we unite as a community to take care of our own healing and wellbeing, our collective energy of love and awareness will raise the vibration of this planet. We aim to reach a million subscribers within a couple of years. May our community of spiritual love warriors grow abundantly every day.

🕊💚 Infinite love, light, and support to YOU
Christine & Hanne,
Self Healing Collective.


Beautiful souls, this is a gentle reminder to trust the process, stop worrying, relax and allow the Universe to deliver.


Flow like water. Everything always happens in divine timing. Trust the process. You will see that everything always works out as it’s meant to. ❤❤❤


Sending so much love and healing light for anyone who this comment reaches 🙏✨️❤️♾️🌹


Low energy and emotional turmoil have led me here, grappling with anxiety. I'm hopeful that this aid will help elevate my energy and emotions. Blessings to everyone!


10:01 pm at 100% = 111 😊❤🙏💝 Thank you 💝


444hz, I am so happy and grateful for today, a new energy, a new feeling of love and gratitude. Thank you, universe. Everything is happening, best case scenario for me, 555


I found this at the right time. While I am feeling very alone, hopeless, and defeated in this world. I listen to this while i sit still. Because it gives me a bit of relief. Even if it’s just for a little while. I surrender to all that is.


❤ I affirm this message ❤ thank You Universe, Ancestors and Spirit Team for always working things out for me and my highest good ❤ I'm in love with You Universe, Ancestors and Spirit Team ❤


Thank you❤ and may all your blessings come in ten fold so you may see the miracles this life has to gift you❤🎉 I love you


Thank you so much for this beautiful sound healing music!! It lifts my spirit & soul 🥰🙏🌟💗 NAMASTE 🕉🌺🌈


Thank you for alignment and prosperity and abundance happiness and peace and love and joy thank you for blessing me everyday of my life and for power of letting go and let God thank you much appreciated ❤


When you relax everything aligns perfectly


Like many of us -- I worry way too much. Just a few minutes into listening, I feel my heart melting and the worries falling softly away. If you are like me, and you worry too much, please keep listening. Listen until you soften. May all your worries disappear and may you see clearly the miracle of your own existence.


Dear Community💜🕊
💜Do you need deeper support and healing?
We offer profound and deeply healing online breathwork sessions through our website.

Much love,
The Self-Healing Collective Team.


Very good and effective statements, I agree or relate to everything you say and it creates a nice general loving reltionship that benefits everyone universally, this is good stuff and the singing is adorable, there is some special love connection that is expressing itself with you and it is the highest level of attraction and magnetism, it is even transcendent at times where I wonder whether you are a Goddess or maybe a part of my own soul, it is impressive.


I had to remind myself this today! Thanks for the confirmation! Divine Timing what’s meant will happen and what’s mine is mine!! No worries


I so needed this, thank you for creating such a beautiful space to let go and let God🙏🏽💖


To anyone struggling, on the brink of that transformation into ease and peace you know you need to make— you are not alone.

I’m scared too.

But we can’t give up. We deserve better. God already decided we are worthy— the fact that we are breathing and alive is proof of that. We can do this. We CAN do this. Know that I am just as afraid of the unknown as you are, I am crying as I type this, but I am happy to do so because it means I am ALIVE. I am FEELING, I am GROWING and that is beautiful. YOU are beautiful. WE are beautiful. Yes, it’s scary, but we’re going to love ourselves exactly as we are. Because we can. Because we deserve to. I am talking as much to myself as I am to you. I am trying to believe, too.

I understand. I see you. I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU.

God bless everyone.



This is beautiful and just what I needed tonight. Bright Blessings! May your masks fall away effortlessly, May you know Security.
