vOPCDE #5 - Keynote: China's cheap Xiaomis are low on privacy (Gabi Cirlig)

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Keynote: China's cheap Xiaomis are low on privacy

Chinese phones are cheap only if your privacy is worthless. With the advent of low cost techonology, phone manufacturers started getting their profit margins from other sources. One such manufacturer is Xiaomi, which sells incredible phones at eye watering prices. Don't be deceived though, because purchasing such devices also giving up your rights to digital privacy. I've dwelved into the rabbit hole in order to expose a company that not only wants your money, but also the entire history of you.

Gabi Cirlig, Independent

Software developer turned rogue, went from developing apps for small businesses to 2M+ DAU Facebook games while keeping an eye for everything shiny and new. For a couple of years I’ve shifted gears and started my career as a security researcher while speaking at various conferences (SAS, AVAR, PHDays) in my free time showcasing whatever random stuff I hacked. Fortunately, after joining WhiteOps, I turned this passion into my full time job. With a background in electronics engineering and various programming languages, I like to dismantle and hopefully put back whatever I get my hands on.
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