When Men Treat Women Just Like Women Have Treated Men

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More and more women are having to come with grips that things have changed with dating and relationships. The reality is women had control over it for eons and now men have decided to play the same games women have played on men and are finding out that it's not as fun being on the receiving end as it is being on the giving side

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they wanted feminism, they have it...enjoy it ladies.


Women crying on tiktok, I find it extremely repulsive. Because it's fake. Many of them can cry on command, and that's what they do when they set the phone, record, edit with music and everything, and upload it. Don't fall for it.
I've seen some videos of women crying like this one and in an instant, they change, laughing and showing a very disturbing smile, to prove how much they can manipulate.


Women demand respect. Now, finally, men want respect from women.


Despite her crying she STILL craves ATTENTION and posts herself online. Now where did I put my tiny violin....


Old guy here. “Trust not a woman when she weeps. For she weeps when she wants her will.”


The classic case of 'I don't meet the standards of the men that meet my standards'.


I've friend zoned women, they go absolutely mental.


I have no sympathy for the poor crybaby who set up her phone, just to have strangers feel sorry for her.


My mom asked my brother a simple question one day. We had a family BBQ a couple of days before and his girlfriend was there. My mom noticed that she hit him a lot. And not soft taps either. He would actually run from her while laughing so no one thought anything about it until mom said something. He didn’t think it was a big deal until my mom said “What would happen to you if you hit her as much as she hits you? You’d be in jail.” Well he must have thought about it because a week later they were done.


"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction" by Newton and Karma.


It’s hard to take people seriously who record edit and upload theirselves crying


Baffled by the idea of "Oh, I'm crying. Let me grab my phone and record this so I can share it with the world."

We all have moments of weakness, that is part of being human. One would think the appropriate response is to learn from the pain and grow as a person rather than channel it for attention. But... what do I know? I'm just a man.


The world would be a nicer place if people were honest. Whether it’s a woman or man, it is wrong to use others.
Thank you for the video.


Now that the shoe is on on the other foot……………..suddenly they expect us to feel pity for them? Nah, your 70 years of agony has started. OUR way or the highway. We will not and will never negotiate OUR terms with terrorists.


I have put some women in the "friend zone" in the past. Whenever that happened, others would put me down for it. Well, shoot, I have a right to do that also! But when a woman does that to me, nothing wrong with it!

And I was put down because I ended up not marrying that particular woman. Why would I want to marry just a friend and then, at the same time, she loves me? Common sense says there's a tremendous conflict of interest there. On top of that, if it all doesn't work out, then she could just get a divorce and take everything I have. Is it worth the risk?

If a woman is not in love but the man is, then she has nothing to lose. Because, if it doesn't work out, she can get a divorce, and end up with a lot.


A fee male, who will take accountability for her own actions, or hit lotto for a billions dollars?
Yep! It's the same odds.


I feel very sad for humanity. We have been manipulated and psy opped into delusion. While we have struggled to live our lives, provide for our families and do good in the world, those behind the scene with ooodles of money have invested in studying the human psyche, and boy are their studies paying off. They seem to manipulate humanity with ease. These last four years have been a real eye opener. Makes me very sad, I thought humanity had a hope until these last four years have shown me most people are either more stupid than I thought or they feel being part of 'the group' is more important than being right or good. Neither gives me any hope for us.


Spinster Winter is their bitter, collective future … 😂


Anyone who films themselves crying to post on the internet for, I guess clout?, deserves to be ignored.


Oh so now the friend zone is real? Guess its only real when it happens to them
