The foundations of the three lubrication types: boundary | mixed | hydrodynamic

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I've talked about this specific curve a number of times in these videos. It's called the Streck Curve, and it really tells you a lot about what you need to know about lubrication. For example, there are three different types of lubrication, boundary mixed and hydrodynamic lubrication. We've broken those down separately in other videos. But how exactly do we get to this chart? Let's build it up piece by piece from some building blocks that we have from high school physics.

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I collect waste motor oil if I run the oil through a mini Refinery around 700°. The vapor is caught in a heat exchanger condensed down into a liquid I get a 5 gallon bucket and an hour or two I get bucket after bucket I can get multiple buckets per day six or seven buckets the oil that I get sits for about a month after that then I treat the oil I mix it with Ethel oxide then the oil sits for about a week or two all the t a r s polymers and odors are stripped from the oil and end up at the bottom of a container the oil becomes clear and orange after this it is mixed with water about a week later all the water settles out of the oil and you end up with a transparent bright orange oil in the diesel Spectrum it runs an engine perfectly with tons of power this liquid only cost maybe 10 cent per gallon I've been doing this for almost 10 years


Very insightful… Thanks a million Prof. Rafe


So on something like a telescoping tripod joint, you would be mostly operating in a boundary/mixed boundary condition? What would be the appropriate grease? An NLGI #1 EP might be too thin to prevent the outer race of the roller bearings from pitting the CV cup under heavy load, but a NGLI #2 might be too thick to adequately lubricate the needle bearings in the inner race. Is there such a thing as a NLGI #1.5 that could give adequate lubrication to the CV cup and the needle bearings?


Wow I finally understand this concept, thank you so much.


Nice video sir..I have questions sir..can I write mla 1 online exam without a training certificate?


How can i get membership of this channel ??


Hello! Just discovered your channel and I really like it! Lubrication is a crazy complex topic and I am happy I found this resource to understand it better, thank you! I own a vintage motorcycle and the lubrication sistem in it has one type of oil for the gearbox, engine and the (wet) clutch too, poor oil has to do a lot.. and the fact that the oil changed and evolved a lot since the motorcycle was produced makes me a little worried. I am curious about the special oils used in bikes since they have multiple roles.. I guess that is one of the reasons they have to be changed very often compared to cars.
