Providence Montana - HealthBreak - New Linear Accelerator

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Providence Montana - HealthBreak - New Linear Accelerator
Because radiation is such a major part of treating and curing cancer, Providence St. Patrick Hospital has added a new state of the art radiation technology that Dr. Jeffrey Stephenson says is called a Truebeam Linear Accelerator.
Jeffrey Stephenson, MD, FACRO
Medical Director, Radiation Oncology
(406) 327-1700
HealthBreak®© 2024, MBC Media®© 2024
Because radiation is such a major part of treating and curing cancer, Providence St. Patrick Hospital has added a new state of the art radiation technology that Dr. Jeffrey Stephenson says is called a Truebeam Linear Accelerator.
Jeffrey Stephenson, MD, FACRO
Medical Director, Radiation Oncology
(406) 327-1700
HealthBreak®© 2024, MBC Media®© 2024