Mechanics React to Mechanic Memes

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We asked real mechanics to break down the harsh truth behind mechanic memes.

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I want to say thanks to everyone for your kind words Love you guys. Thanks for your support.


You can see the light go out in Sandro's eyes when he found out how many cans got used on the Subaru. I feel for you man


Seeing Sandro go full shop owner mode in the first 2 minutes of this video is the best thing I've ever seen.


That phone call between Sandro and Juan at 1:31 had me rolling on the floor 😂


Seeing Sandro share his thoughts as a shop owner is a hilarious side of him haha.


Heard a story of a guy who needed a specialist tool and so he called up Snap-On and they had a truck roll over. And the guy steps out and says "hey man, " before the tradesman cuts him off. "Shut up, you're not my friend, I'm not buying anything. I don't want you to show me anything. Just give me my goddamn tool."

So the salesman stares at him for a while before nodding slowly and gets the tool, and the tradesman asks if he's got change for a hundred. "Of course, " says the Snap-On representative, before dropping a coin. "Oops, let me get that, " and without saying anything else. He reaches down with a set of Snap-On pliers and picks the coin up by grabbing just the edge of it's flat face.

The tradesman gets his wallet out and starts pulling more bills out, while the representative looks confused. "You've given me enough for your tool."

"You're a motherfucker you know that? Give me the damn pliers." "They come in two sizes." "Of fucking course there are."


Carby cleaner: $15.
Employee hourly rate: $25.
The sincere and utter defeat that Sandro experiences at 1:57: Priceless.


I showed the owner of my shop the brake clean meme and all he said was "that's not funny" 5 seconds before Sandro said "that's not funny" 😂


Back in 1987, when I was a 17 year old girl, I was driving a rusted out Chevy Chevette. The floor pan was so far gone that I'd pulled the stinking, rotten carpet and I could clearly see the ground beneath my feet while I was driving. No lie, it felt more like driving a motorcycle.

It kept breaking down and my uncle kept rescuing me and cleaning out the carburetor. (We hadn't figured out that the pollution control had turned to powdered carbon and that was randomly plugging out the tiny holes.) He got sick of the cycle and taught me how to clean out the carburetor myself.

So one night I'm broken down on the side of a Wyoming highway in the middle of a massive sleet storm. I jump out, grab my tools, pop the hood, and and get to work. Some good-hearted man pulls up to rescue me. I tell him I'm fine and keep working by the light of my flashlight.

The look on his face as I cleaned and reassembled the carburetor, gathered up my shit, and slammed the hood shut still makes me grin. This little 5'2" girl played it cool as a cucumber. I thanked him for stopping, jumped in the car, and drove away.

Honestly, ALL I knew about cars was how to clean a carburetor. That's literally all I had in my tool bag. But he didn't know that and damn did I look pro in the moment.

The car finally died when I tried to turn right at a redlight and the rusted axil snapped in half. I still miss her. She had a nothing engine, but was so lightweight that she ZOOOOMED when you just tapped the gas and got insane mpg. The old cars really were just built different. So easy to understand.


I had a customer come in complaining about a "loud rumble, loud banging and car shaking" while accelerating, turning and braking. I walked out to in and noticed the trunk lid and fenders had weird dents that looked like they came from the inside, I got in the car and started to back up and sure enough *rumble WHAM!* I heard and felt something hit hard. I popped the trunk assuming I would see a jack rolling around inside but It was a bowling ball that was just placed loose in the trunk.

The trunk was an absolute mess all the plastic was smashed, the rear seats were ruined because the backing was smashed to pieces and I could see the padding and when I told the customer that he was hearing/feeling a bowling ball he was like "oh yeah I forgot about that thing"



I can see the hurt Sandro feeling when he heard Juanito used 10 cans on a job


Daughter had a school project - build a catapult to launch tennis ball ... out of scrap material you have at
I just finished building a trailer and had lots of angle iron....
I made my daughter cut the pieces and weld them together. On the band saw she was crying...
It was about 1ft x 2ft in size....
To get an 'A' she needed to hit a pie plate.
At the end, I asked how far she said That thing could have hit the pie plate at 70ft....
Turned the stop screws all the way down, replaces springs with bungie cords.... detuned it to hit at 7 ft.
She legit did 90% of the work...
The teacher asked to keep it. My understanding it still at the school.


"The doors leak oil, I don't even know why." This pairing always makes me laugh. Good vibes.


As a aircooled volkswagen owner, the oil puddles are a side effect of the "low maintenance" German engineering.
You see, you dont ever need to change the oil, because the bad oil leaks out. Just top it off every now and then and you're good.


The absolute respect between Carlos and Angelina is what makes these videos.

Just two mechanics that have been humbled so many times by doing mechanical things that their egos are gone, and they understand each other.

I said before that you can't over use these two together.

Yes it works, and works brilliantly, but you need to keep these as the highlights, not the entirety of your channel


Angelina is about to get a whole bunch of dudes going up to her and saying "hey there's a rattling noise coming from my trunk" and it's just full of beer.


sending love to sandro! couldn’t be easy carrying on with work and life after losing what he lost


Harleys don’t leak oil, they just mark their Territory like dogs ! One Harley marks a spot, then they all take turns remarking it, it’s a dominance thing


my old shop owner banned snap-on trucks from coming to any of his shops. It was because he was getting mad that their quality wasn't that good and new mechanics were going into debt so fast as soon as they started


Angela, older Harley's don't "leak" oil. Older Harley's mark their territory by dripping a few drops of oil where it parks. This was a feature they installed from the factory.
