Biophysics - Combining the Power of Biology and Physics

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You get the best of both worlds! We use biology to tell us about living organisms, and physics to tell us about the way things move, but did you know we can combine them to find new answers? Biophysics, a form of medical physics, combines the power of biology and physics to help us better understand biological phenomena.

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is there any book to learn bio-physics very deeply, would you recommend one? iam good at physics but bad at memorising biology


1. DNA Biophysics
It would seem that we all eat whatever we want, but in general it is the same, but everyone has their own spectrum of all DNA cells — a specific spectrum of electromagnetic waves for each person, which make up the human body. Therefore, DNA is distinguished by the EM wave spectrum, which emits any element of the human body. And EM waves have properties - to move either in a straight line, or deviate, or go into rotational motion, forming atoms and cells under necessary and sufficient conditions. And since EM waves consist of electric and magnetic energy vectors, the rotation of their electric part at the edges of the axis of rotation creates a magnetic field, and the rotation of the magnetic part creates a potential difference at the ends of the axis of rotation. Only during the formation of atoms is a closed magnetic field formed as the boundary of the atom. And the lower the frequency of EM waves, that is, the longer the length and amplitude of the EM wave, the heavier the atom is created. And when cells are formed, a sequence of atoms with a single magnetic field and a sequence of
This topic of "DNA" is the starting point in the concept of man as an intelligent being. At the same time, it is the spectrum of DNA as an energetic soul that is the starting point that forms the person himself as a thinking material being. So what is a person and his DNA cells, when and by whom is it formed, and how does each DNA cell interact with the cosmos and the body? How is genetic data transmitted from parents to children?
If we take a DNA sample in different parts of the human body and perform a spectral analysis, we will see that the whole body has the same energy spectrum. This suggests that the body of each individual is formed from a specific frequency spectrum of electromagnetic waves. That is why each person has their own personal fingerprints and their own location of the gyri in the brain, because the gyri on the fingers and in the brain begin to form from the moment of conception as an antenna tuned to a personal spectrum of electromagnetic waves for each person.
Every person, like any material body, consists of the energy of electromagnetic waves, which make up the energy field of a given substance. A person's external field is called an aura. In the process of sexual intercourse, with progressive movement, the intersection of the energy fields of a man and a woman occurs, gradually tuning into resonance with its energy-informational system of the cosmos. As a result of achieving resonance during the end of sexual intercourse, the whole body is permeated by a powerful stream of cosmic energy, which we feel with a high emotional surge.
From this powerful flow of energy in the male body, spermatozoa are formed, one or two of which, penetrating into the egg, fertilizes it, forming an embryo from which a person grows. Thus, the body of each person grows out of the energy of a specific energy information system of the cosmos (EISC), which is formed at the conception of a child from the following EIS:
А) будущая мать в составе яйцеклетки.
Б) отец, на основе энергии которого формируется сперматозоид:
— территория зачатия, поэтому и существует понятие — "Родная земля помогает", поскольку энергия частотного спектра территории зачатия влияет на формирование ментальных и духовных способностей человека, нации, расы. То есть энергетика человека и территория рождения нации находятся в соответствии
— ближайшая планета на момент зачатия — такое влияние известно как "Знаки Зодиака", которое влияет на характер человека,
- фазы Луны, влияние которых известно на рождение мальчика или девочки, на многие аспекты здоровья человека, на женские циклы, на прорастание семян,
— фазы нашего Солнца,
— ближайшее созвездие, в энергетическом поле которого находятся наше Солнце и Земля. момент зачатия. Этот EIS меняется по прошествии нескольких тысячелетий с прохождением нашей солнечной системы под влиянием EIS o
Therefore, it is from electromagnetic waves of a specific spectrum of energy of conception that human cells are formed, including the brain, the convolutions of which represent an antenna tuned to receive a specific spectrum of EMF frequencies from the energy information system of the cosmos formed during conception. Confirmation that EIS is formed at conception is that if conception occurred from a single contact with a random man, then the unborn child retains all the genetic data of this man, even if he does not know about the birth of his child. Or if the woman had several partners, paternity is determined by matching the DNA of the child and one of the men.
Thus, the spectrum of DNA (soul, aura, EIS) does not inhabit a person, but this DNA soul forms the person himself from the moment of his conception. But official science and politics claim that the soul is possessed at the time of birth. Therefore, a citizen of a country is considered to be a person born on its territory, although in reality the beginning is human
