Tori Amos - Carry

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It is a concept album that Amos has described as "a 21st century song cycle inspired by classical music themes spanning over 400 years." She pays tribute to classical composers such as Alkan, Bach, Chopin, Debussy, Granados, Satie and Schubert, taking inspiration from their original compositions to create new, independent songs. Regarding the album's concept, she has described it as the exploration of "the hunter and the hunted and how both exist within us" through the story of "a woman who finds herself in the dying embers of a relationship." Watch Tori Amos perform 'Carry' from her album Night of Hunters.

Tori Amos - Carry

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Music video by Tori Amos performing Carry. (C) 2011 Deutsche Grammophon GmbH, Berlin

#ToriAmos #NightOfHunters #Carry
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One of the songs I specifically picked for my big brother when he passed. He got me into the awesomeness of Tori when I was barely out of diapers and it’s one of the best things he ever did for me.


Seldom do I comment. Please listen. I have noticed Tori since Little Earthquakes. She has consistently written and performed her works to the greatest extent and depth of her talents, which are considerable. This album is no exception. She champions women writers. This album honors all those who have preceded her embrace of the "classical" both living such as Joni Mitchell and Kate Bush or not such as Hildegard von Bingen, Clara Schumann, and Fanny Mendelssohn. Tori should be applauded. Bravo!


Tori Amos is proof that the Divine is not so far away. She is a blessing to all those who can hear, either with ears or with their hearts.


I lost my mother ten years ago, and this song reminds me of the feelings I had then and continue to carry now. It does help that my mother was Irish and the images of "The Land of Youth" and the "Mighty Stars", which are cornerstones of Celtic belief are in this song. I play this every 10th of December in memory of her, and more importantly in celebration of her.


A true master of her domain, no other singer, song writer composer ever comes close!


I lost my Dad today and your music has carried me today, especially this song.


I came here because I'm missing my grandmother more than usual today. This song is a great comfort and, like so many other Tori songs, perfectly encapsulates how I'm feeling. Acknowledge the emotion and carry on...


I lost my Grandmother Yesterday 😪
She was more a Mother.
I'll always carry her... Always ❤


Today is the ten year anniversary of my mom's death.  This song is always for her and everyone I've lost.


This song deeply moves me. I am so completely happy with this entire album. It is truly one of the best pieces of art she has come out with. Thank you Tori Amos for this!


My mom just died yesterday, and I just lost it listening to this song. This song is so beautiful, the words and emotions of this song had me crying so hard.My mom was just 58, and I am a 35 year old gay ears with feet. Tori is the Goddess, her music has saved by life more than once, and I hope it can get me through this terrible time.


Ten years ago today. This song has helped so much. Thank you, Tori. Rest In Peace, Mom.


One has to remember that, as an artist, Tori is writing and performing HER current mood and take on the world. She need not cater to the desires of a stagnant fan base, who cannot grow beyond past heights. Show respect, and be thankful she is still around.


Thank you Tori, for giving so much of yourself to meaningful music. You're just incredible. Incredible.


My grandmother passed December 11th right before Christmas one winter ago. I had the funeral home play this song from me to her and the lyrics even made the back of the program for her. I miss and love you grams and you will never be forgotten by me. I hope you’re walking along the seashore in the Land of Youth with gramps. Happy. 💜


I like that this song shows of Tori's vocals without distraction and the simplicity of the video reminds me that it is so simple to "carry" someone, to take care of someone, to love someone.


I always think of my sister Donna, who passed away last year, when I hear this song. I will carry her in my heart forever.


Brilliant. An inspired inspiration. Tori you will always be carried in my heart, you have lit up the darkness in my life so many times! Some of the things I went through as a woman I would have not made it through without your lyrics to guide me.


Thank you Tori for creating the soundtrack to my grief over the loss of my mother. When I would drive to the hospital, it was Suede:
"Oh... little sister I hope you didn’t feel that way,
An oh... little sister I’m glade you came, "

And now that she is gone I will hear "You will not ever be forgotten by me in the procession of the mighty stars..."


I was awake late last night, and a little annoyed by the post-midnight air traffic. I watched Tavis Smiley's interview with Ms. Amos on PBS. At the end, she played and sang this song...I forgot all about the noise... I just turned on the TV this morning. The interview was on again-- and I listened again. This is so lovely. The lyrics are beautiful. I have a new favorite song to purchase...: )
