Two Realities Existing At the Same Time!

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You have probably heard of quantum physics, this science of the smallest particles. Simply put, quanta are particles of light and a basic building block of our material world. While, up until the 20th century, scientists were still searching for answers about our reality in the world of large phenomena, now the world of the smallest particles is increasingly coming into focus.

Credit: NASA, ESA, ESO, SpaceX, Wikipedia, Shutterstock, ...

Рекомендации по теме

Heisenberg's Uncertainty principle, Schrodinger's equation, Quantum tunneling and entanglement, holographic principle are some of the physics that are used in the explanations of this video


Was just thinking about this concept the other day.
The thought that all potential outcomes exist simultaneously.
We are simply living in a singularity.
Makes sense.
Imagine all your lives, post future and present all co-existing at once. At that moment, all moments exit.
It is only or imaginations and observations that create a construct/paradigm of what we can reality.
It's all an illusion.


Although many viewing this think you are nuts but this is very good reporting of the general feelings of most scientists today, *so far* as bewildering as it seems.
Great Job!


It's like time is like a loom drawing together an infinite number of threads into the tapestry of reality as we experience it from moment to moment-all possible outcomes must be available in waveforms until each moment arrives and they collapse into observable reality.


We are light beings inhabiting a vessel created from light while negotiating a universe created from light (frequencies <> waves) much like the internet is Created from light, but the universe we observe can be created with manifestation of thought.


It turns out we have a shared reality that is already in whatever state it is in and does what it will until it is affected. The measurement affects what is measured, measuring macroscopic things is something that is easy to do because the individual quanta do not matter. Measuring tiny things is hard because we only have instruments as smsll as they can be.


this is a sign that nothing is impossible. and life after death exist..


Ooohh I simply love this clip..One of your best ever!


Another great video. 😄 Thanks simply space


Finally, a video without advertisements interrupting every 2 minutes!


I think you meant to say Wiegner was Hungarian-American, not “US-American” :) Thanks for the video!


The way God ordered things is amazing. How can we be so intuitive to discover such things and yet think that because we discovered them there must be no God. We can accept an infinate universe or even an infinate number of infinate universes but not an infinate creator. We say we create based on our will and what we observe but can't even ponder that what we might just be observing is what he spoke into being by his will. Maybe he's the one taking the measurements creating the reality. And for all that power he still loves his creation enough to give us a ticket to the majesty and wonder if it all. I'm so glad he's God and I'm not.


Not hard to understand. The Maths points towards the Universe being made up of 'Strings' and 'Frequencies'. Basically, we only see each other and our Universe because we our string compositions work at the same Frequency. It's much like Radio Waves. We can't hear them but ... if we get a Radio Player, we can adjust frequencies to listen to a Radio Station. In fact, we can adjust to MANY different frequencies and pick up MANY different Radio Stations. The all co-exist in the one spot ... but unless we are operating at the same frequency, we can't hear them. Simple really.


There are many realities interacting in the same time, the problem is find the metric for each one of theses.


I watched the vid and then read some comments, Now I am totally Confused 🤷‍♂️🧐🤪🤯🤔🥴🤯🤷‍♂️


Macroscopic material has a fixed location because it exerts some force on others hence can be observed based on its location and its effect on others decreases as distance of separation becomes larger. Subatomic level below its limiting size or quanta, effect of material based on its location becomes indistinguishable but it will rather appear only by its space-time field effect and so it interacts specifically on demand at location. Trying to equate macroscopic material effect with that of subatomic field effect based sized entity will drive mind to crazy level. This happens because of our lack of complete knowledge of fields & forces below a certain size or quanta.


It seems science in it wonderment can be quite silly sometimes. If I was not in the kitchen, the table and all on it would remain in solid form. Being a physical object it would omit some form of sound waves. If tonight I did not see the moon, it still would be there.
Everything is where it happens to be, but I may not be aware of them being there.
I once was part of a fun experiment. 5 of us had to go into a room for 30 seconds, look around and leave the room. Then we had to right a list of all we saw. Not one of us remembered everything, most of us did not remember the same thing. The experiment was about what and how much one can acknowledge in an environment.


The cat cannot be an observer, as (s)he can only observe him/herself alive 😂😂😂


Bill Everett's "Quantum Suicide" idea is most interesting.


Until you people realize that there is only one universe, you are a lost cause. Let me explain... there is only one you. You position in the universe is defined according to the uncertainty principle. The universe that you experience is unique, you friend beside you experiences the same event at a slightly different time than you do. The universe is made up of many slices of time, there is a finite number of time slices according to the Planck time limit. Every observer in the universe is actually living in their own universe because only they experience observation at that precise moment. This is all related to the speed of causality and the unique slice in time that you alone experience. Understanding this gets rid of your multiverse bullshit.
