Oliver Crisp - Analytic Theology

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What happens when deep questions of God are addressed by the precise methods of analytic philosophy? It’s not about “proving” the existence of God. It is about clarifying the attributes and doctrines of God. So why is analytic theology controversial?

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Analytic theology in Islam or critical analysis is the reason why Quran says, that it was sent. The Arabic version or the Quranic vocabulary, used in this connection is called “ Taddabur Quran” meaning pondering, reflecting, ratiocination in various discussions and rationals presented in Quran, using empirical data and other signs or predictors which navigate us through the obvious available evidences, transforming them into proofs and certitude regarding the proof of God’s existence and His omnipresence.


Molinism would be within this field, I would think.


what the man is saying, is that every fantasy that theists have dream up has been crushed. So, now they are looking for a new premise to conduct their thought process. It will be crushed too.


I really welcome “Analytical Theology” as a discipline! The roots of religion are non-rational, and speak the symbolist language of the unconscious mind, but any set of doctrines should be rationally coherent. I despair of doctrines like “eternal damnation”, which are necessarily inconsistent with a God of love. Indeed, individual survival after death has some serious scientific objections to answer, if theologians would only face them (eg. Cricks “Astonishing Hypothesis”). I would love to see a Theology that is truly “Queen of the Sciences”, in absorbing, analysing and being consistent with the latest research from a wide knowledge base. (Indeed the breadth of expertise is what I appreciate most about this channel). It may mean radical reinterpretations of existing doctrines - we shouldn’t be afraid! “Then we will know the truth, and the truth will set us free”.


Analytic Theology:
Let's see, it gives me a job with a paycheck in this economically driven world, and hey, I even get some power and authority in this world too at times. As long as I can keep this potential lie going, I keep my job and paycheck.
(How's that for analytics?)


Ah yes “faith seeking reasoning”otherwise known as confirmation bias.... held as fallacious in all other forms of analytic philosophy 🤣😉 theology, making nonsense sound academic since Jesus wept.


Another wonderfully.nonsensical oxymoron, “analytic theology”😂🤣