Unity Game VFX - Ink Sword Slash

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Unity Game VFX - Ink Sword Slash
Made using Unity Particle System, it has an ink-style sword slash with four skill expressions that can be freely rotate or scale.

The rendering mode of Unity 2019 and above needs to select Standard

If you become a paid member of my Patreon ,you can download the completed results here and my other effects files(Include textures,materials,shaders and Prefab):

如果您訂閱了我的Patreon頁面,那麼您可以在此處下載完成的效果以及我其他的特效檔案(包含貼圖 材質球與Prefab檔案):

#vfx #unity #gamevfx #ink #slash
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Unity Game VFX - Ink Sword Slash
Made using Unity Particle System, it has an ink-style sword slash with four skill .

If you become a paid member of my Patreon, you can download the completed results here and my other effects files(Include textures, materials, shaders and Prefab):
