“I’m not excited about my story…should I keep writing it?” | #AskAbbie

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I have the opposite problem. I’m _too_ excited about my book, to the point that I act more like a fan. I’ve been super excited about one specific book I’m writing, but I’ve barely made any progress in almost 4 years because I keep doing extensive backstories, world-building, etc. and making art and animations featuring the characters instead of just *writing the damn book.*


I wanna write about different characters with various personality but I myself a big introvert it's really hard for me to think in a what my character would realistically do


My problem is that my whole motivation comes from the excitement to write the drafts when the story is in middle or near end...and the initial parts feel like a chore....what should I do? I can't start or finish many of my ideas because of this.


It’s takes a lot longer, but sometimes you just gotta shelf the mehhh story until you’re inspired to write a compelling story good enough for those characters you love.


I discovered i like making AU's of my own story. It helps me explore new aspects of the story and what would my characters do in situations outside of my original concept. Sometimes i end up with a whole different thing that I love even more.


Yeah, I think I needed to hear this ♡ Thank you, Abbie!


Oh my gosh THANK I was thinking about this today and at night and felt so anxious about it but now I know I shouldn't tie myself to a story if I'm not having fun with it! Thank you much!!!! I'll totally watch the longer video too! Maybe I'll come back to this story in the future, but you've given me the reassurance to move onto something more fun!


You don't know how many times I have deleted a novel. I am finally sticking to one. However, I'm not prioritizing it over everything else because the last time I did that, I felt like I was forcing myself to write, and that doesn't work for me.


100 % true ❤. I wish we could save these "shorts" to a playlist to find it easily later 😅


So true about having fun!! That’s the whole point, which is easy to forget in the mayhem of publishing


I had a similar question to this! Thanks, Abbie!


If you want to get to know your characters really well I highly suggest role play. Whether that’s you and a friend texting back and forth like i do, or joining a dnd group, putting your character in a situation you are not fabricating on your own helps so much.


Ellie, you might become inspired while working on something else. Breaks are essential for mental recharge. Focusing on something else may help you solve your problem from another angle that you would’ve missed if you just charged ahead to “get it done”


I have the opposite problem right now. I want to write my story so bad whenever I have free time that my brain cant follow my excitement. The more I write the worse my writing skills become. I have to force myself to make breaks for like a week. 😅😅😅😅


Abbie, How do i keep myself focused on my writing while doing all my other activities (which definitely don't include watching TV for hours 🙄) also do you have any tips on how to get back into a reading habit?


😂 i do this all the time but the problem is i get excited too much about all my storyes than i get stuck i get a nother idea get excited about that and start that than i get stuck and on and on. Now i have about 10 books that i am stuck in and one currently writing😂


And then there's me who has been trying to finish writing a book for the
Past 5 years but gets so excited about different book ideas that I end up working on them then giving up in a never ending cycle of hundreds of started books most of which have never gotten past chapter one before I moved on to writing something else. 😅


I’m questioning what to do if you have no ideas but if you add ideas, it just makes the story not make sense


My problem with having fun with my writing is that it keeps me from actually finishing something because 1) I get really immersed in the world building or 2) I write a ton of drafts and still the story doesn't seem to fit even though I am totally in love with the basic idea but I can't fill the plot with actual acts.


I want to write a novel which is full emotional which everyone should cry but I am trying to thing how can everyone fell in love with my book?