Gigi, step away from the facetune.

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Gigi, girl - STOP EDITING YOUR INSTAGRAM PICTURES! I like Gigi Hadid, she seems really lovely and down to earth. So I was a bit disappointed when I saw her Instagram, and what appears to be a crazy amount of photo editing going on. Facetune or photoshop - whatever it is, the pictures that Gigi has been posting are not an accurate representation of what she (or any other human!) looks like in reality. WHY Gigi? Surely you know better than this! Yes, we all have the right to edit our pictures technically speaking, but is it ethical? Especially when your career is based around your looks? And you're a role model to millions of people worldwide? I personally think that editing your pictures to this extent is quite damaging to the self esteem of (not just yourself) but women everywhere. It is perpetuating unrealistic beauty standards, that no one can live up to in real life, or online - except wit the use of editing tools.
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She is so pretty natural. The filters make everyone look like clones. Nobody wants to look unique anymore.


Unpopular opinion here. This is why I gave up on social media a long time ago and just focus on living my live away from social media.

Thanks for the likes❤️


I think the problem is our entire society has been brainwashed to think that physical appearance is very important and that we all are highly flawed compared to others. Look at images of models in the 70’s and 80’s. Their faces look completely different than people look now. There were techniques even then to blur flaws and tweak photographs. But everyone didn’t look like a doll. I think with progress of technology we’ve all become too used to seeing the unreal version of public persons that we now literally all compare ourselves to something that does not exist in real life. It happens subconsciously because of what we’re seeing in media.


You know we live in a wacky world when one of the most beautiful women in the world still gets airbrushed 🥴


I can feel for Gigi. She is in her late twenties, and in the modeling world 26 is considered old. She is competing with women and girls a decade younger than her, and I'm sure she is going to be insecure. That being said, it would definitely be cool if Gigi took a positive stand for aging, instead of erasing the natural way we all will age (sag and lines).


You're so kind for calling Gigi's mom "a little problematic". That woman has psychologically destroyed both of her daughters. They are both so beautiful, including Bella before her transformation.


super random but my mom walked passed me, saw what I was watching, looked at you and said "wow she's beautiful" and stayed for a few minutes and watched you. if you ever feel insecure, know that my hispanic mother thinks you're drop-dead gorgeous! <333


Yolanda really did a number on her kids. As a mother of a daughter, I had to really call myself out for my unhealthy ways of demeaning my looks, weight, etc in front of her. Even though I'd never say the things to my daughter Yolanda has said to hers or even think them for that matter, my daughter still internalized what I would say about myself and criticized herself in the same way. Words matter.


I feel like if I edited my photos like that I would be embarrassed to meet others in person because they’ll see how I “really look.” I LOVE Gigi’s face shape and hope to see her embracing it in all it’s glory one day soon


To me, the main issue is that people who edit their pictures look bad on unedited pictures even if they are not ugly, because we go from amazing to just normal and obviously it's disappointing. If you are insecure I really recommend you to stay away from editing your pictures, it will make you feel worse


The fear of aging has become a huge problem in society. Particularly in the entertainment industry. Also, if you live a hard life where you're not taking care of yourself you will age quicker which is what I think is happening with GiGi.


I love how you push for natural and real beauty standards. Keep it up! 😘


I honestly prefer Gigi without any retouching since, she DOESN'T NEED IT.


once again, the big problem is our ALWAYS toxic friend Yolanda Hadid


I can’t imagine how she feels, no matter how beautiful she is, I’m sure it’s tough being a model on top of having crazy Yolanda as a mother. I bet if she even gained 5 lbs there’s someone off to the side reminding her to get it together. Love her and her sis, the pressure they both are under is wild.


I dont blame her, people have not stopped talking about her face and her suppossed "glow down" nowadays. It must be horrible


You can’t really compare a selfie to a photo some random person took of you at an event. Those photos will always look different. We want to post the most flattering pictures of ourselves with the best lighting. Most of these paps don’t care about the lighting that makes you look best, they just need a photo; and probably the most unflattering ones sell the most!


As long as she doesn't have her buccal fat removed, I can accept this 😅


Gigi is gorgeous. Cherubic is such a perfect word that you used to describe her features. I have a similar cheek structure & sometimes it bothers me as I’m getting a bit older. She seems beautiful inside & out. Industry standards seem so harsh & sometimes fickle - she is 💯 an absolute icon. ✨


i get your point Steph but i think you should also take into account the lighting because it feels like you forgot about it when in reality it can make the biggest difference and can either make you look airbrushed or 20 years older ;)
