The Most Important Law in This Universe (This Was Kept Secret)

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The path to awakening is not always a jovial one. There are many elements at play which may directly feed into the darker realities of this universe. In this video, we'll explore some of those very energies to provide better insight on the topic.

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I found Sarah’s channel last week and I binge watched every single video, some of them twice if not 3 times. That has never happened before. I just love her energy, the way she communicates and what she says. It is so good to find someone who I so resonate with. It must be her level of consciousness to sum it up concisely. Beautiful work. It makes me feel so good that she exists. And I havent listened to this one yet, but I am already so happy it is 20 minutes long. Her content feels as if it was a surprising gift under a Christmas tree during childhood. Thank you Sarah for sharing your impeccable gift ❤


"We'd probably start levitating by just not being an asshole"... This is GOLD! I love your channel.


Yes, we cannot unsee what Balenciaga showed us. May the powerful and invincible thunder of our awakened collective heart bathe all children in this world with its pure and unbreakable light, for them all to be safe and protected against any and all forces of darkness who may attempt to harm them in any way. Time is up! Whatever pact our ancestors may have made with darkness has now reached its end or is now revoked and the time has come to lift the veil. Thank you Sarah for this noble mission of sharing the light. 🔥


I stopped being an asshoke and now I can't stop levitating. Thanks Sarah!


Your level of articulation and eloquence is unbelievably high. What a pleasure to listen to your content.


RA. The Law of One.
Never violate one’s right to Thrive. Do No harm.


My 19 year old step son (who I consider spiritually my son) just yesterday had asked me "why do I feel like I am being chained around my ankles, whenever I am with most of my friends or family?"
I had given him my explanation yesterday, about dimensions, densities, Consciousness levels etc.

I think I will have to circle back to him with "we probably start levitating by just not being an asshole"


One of your most important videos to date! Even in the spiritual community there is a tendency to blame the powers that were for all the evil in the world, while ignoring the simple fact that the harm & violation done unto many beings could not go unchecked if we collectively rose against it. Our apathy towards these events is a form of tacit consent. While we may not be able to single-handedly stop the violence we see, looking within to see where we are not fully aligned with consciousness and where we are ignoring elements of reality seems to be advised for all right now. Much love Sarah <3 Looking forward to your next video already.


This message is just so pure---Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The Golden Rule. Morality. The Law of Karma. Universal Law. Do not violate any other being by infringing on their right to live their lives (the definition of Sovereignty). Do not ignore the evil that is in front of your eyes nor explain away why it's okay to let the evil actions continue.
She talks about the moral checkpoints, like the recent disturbing high fashion photoshoot, as tests for us to either continue in ignorance or to awaken and take power away from evil by harnessing our own power of Light within, America has had a number of these moral checkpoints---the treatment of Indigenous people, the treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib, Epstein Island, the wars we fought in other countries, the corruption in our educational, political, entertainment, financial and medical systems... To ignore these evils are to allow the perpetrators to continue to harm us and others. It thus creates the Karma for our own suffering. Yet the solution is just so simple: Follow the Golden Rule. Stop others who are violating the Golden Rule.
This is actually a principle that is discussed in the book I just wrote because it is the key to "working like a Whisperer." A very powerful concept. Once you understand it, you are aligned with God/Source/the Power of the Universe and will be able to perform "miracles" . It's all Metaphysical

Thank you, Sarah!


To sum up: We must not ignore evil, but must understand it in order to not be ignorant of it. And therefore we may consciously be in the moral sense, aware. Awareness that all thoughts, actions and feelings have repercussions that may be anywhere in the spectrum of good and evil. Polarity rears it's head in all things.


Thank you for this wonderful explanation…..I had to chuckle at your best line….😂
“We probably start levitating by not being an asshole” pure gold!🌷❤️


She's one of the purest and Most fluent speakers I've ever seen. I wish the best for your Ascension and may our Source Grant you Success


Some years ago, when I realized what was being done to children on such a grand scale, I had a bit of a breakdown and a serious dark night of the soul. I cried so much for all the innocence being stolen and abused. Once I began to integrate it, I learned ways to help bring awareness. The Golden rule has been a part of my morality since my earliest memories, almost like it wasn't necessary to be taught ❤


"Powers that Were" - Yes. Thankyou Lord. Amen.


Nice. Your applying the Golden Rule to current news stories like the Balenciaga photo shoots. And how non-action goes against Cosmic Law and awakening. We must take action to expose this evil by talking about it... if we are to awaken as a collective.


The whole reason I’m vegan, thank you Sarah 🙏🏻💕✨


Great job explaining natural law. In my opinion the most important occulted spiritual knowledge. Anyone who wants a deep dive in to it I would suggest watching Mark passio's seminar on it. Also Manly P hall. Thank you for speaking out against that disturbing photo shoot. 🙏


It is similar to How people, specially us men, are so protective of violent video games under the “excuse” that it is just a game, that we need to find a way to relax. About 4 months ago I posted on FB how we neeed to influence one another (specially is men) than we need to grow up and pick up a good book instead of playing video games. And you have no idea the backlash that I got from other fellow men. Fascinating!!


I believe that it is simple to tell the difference between what does and does not have essentially loving energy. There are some worldly conditions, and people that perpetuate those conditions that cannot be directly influenced. We can give to charities, donate and donate time as well. However, I believe that there is a deep capacity for love in a person, who acknowledges and acts from and with that inner light, it has powerful effects on others and the environment of the earth herself. I know that having experienced abuse as a child that I have to look deeply into my intentions frequently. When you have experienced the wounds of abuse in life at any time you are more susceptible to darkness. To find ways to heal is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves and everyone else. It is shamanic training.


I was raised catholic. I’ve always thought from 13 or 14 yrs old that the commandments could have been sumerized to “don’t harm others intentionally.” I didn’t stop to think that ignorance was also punishable on the other side of that statement like you just mentioned. I’ll need to rewatch this a few more times.

My mom gave me The Kybalion to read when I was in High school. Never dug into it until now at 34yrs old. Finding these videos is very helpful to keep meditating on it.
