Life Changing Under Eye CONCEALER HACK?!? Testing the VIRAL Aquaphor Concealer Hack Over 50!

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LIP BALM Is The Secret To Making Your Under Eyes Look 20 Years Younger? HMMM… Must Try Hack!
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Happy Friday my friends! Just wanted to let you know what I did on the other 2 days I tried this hack for those of you suggesting things that might help & let you know I did them already & while they did improve things a bit, it wasn't enough that it beat my normal setup for creasing & wear! I tried it with and without sunscreen and tried it with my NYX powder instead of the Maybelline powder, I also switched eyes. Sunscreen didn't seem to have any effect on it either way, using NYX powder definitely looked better than the Maybelline powder to start but by 4 hours the Aquaphor was making my concealer settle into my wrinkles and making it wear off. In the end my regular concealer setup was better!
Here are links to my concealer videos for those who didn't have success with the Aquaphor hack:

For those of you who wanted an update on my dog post surgery, she came through the surgery well and is healing up nicely! The first 2 days post-op were really rough but I gave her lots of pain killers & love! She started putting weight on the leg after a few days and is getting around well. She gets the stitches out & cone off today so we'll both be thrilled about that! She ruptured her CCL (equivalent of our ACL) about 6 weeks ago & had TPLO surgery to give her use of the leg back. Thanks so much for your well wishes & concern over the last 2 weeks! xo ~a.


Angie, I have been watching you ever since you started your channel. I especially had a great laugh when you used your husband as your makeup model. You are such a gift to us older ladies. You are the only influencer that I 100% trust. As a nurse married to a doctor; I appreciate your knowledge of the ingredients in the products you review.
You're truly the best out there!


I did try it and noticed that while my under eye was more hydrated, wrinkles were exacerbated. However, I have applied Aquaphor under eyes and nasal folds at night, over my nighttime products for about 3 wks now, and the results in hydration and the way makeup looks on my skin is dramatically improved! I do not wash my face in the morning with cleanser, just use a warm wet cloth. I just cannot say enough about how using it at night has completely changed my daytime look


I'm so annoyed with personalities that post just to go viral. Scott may be a professional makeup artist but he's also trying to sell his branded makeup. Angie actually does the work to test things out!! Thank you!


Hello!! First of all, your tip about changing the resolution on the video is a game changer!! And giving that tip only proves that you're the most transparent creator ever to walk the earth! I had the lip balm already, I use it on my lips. I don't wear under eye concealer bcz I still have yet to find a method that works for me, and I'm okay with that. I personally think this is a perfect example of how certain products, application methods, etc do not work for everyone! I love your videos and appreciate the work you put into them ❤️


Hello from Belgium. Tried the hack 4 days in a row thinking that I must have been doing something incorrectly but had the exact results as you.
I'm 55 with no crows' feet or deep lines and yet this technique REALLY made it look as though I had full-blown wrinkles! I even made sure to use a very light hand with all the products and I allowed the AQUAPHOR absorb for about 20 mins for 2 of my attempts.
Thank you for being the ONLY genuinely honest content creator!


I am so glad I didn't waste my money to try this.


Laura Geller powder foundation is the best I have found for mature skin. Blurs, color corrects, not cakey. I gave up liquid foundation completely a few years ago. Fiera cosmetics is the best under-eye concealer I have found for mature eyes. I mix a bit of this with the Elf poreless putty primer and then apply it under the eye and doing final blending with my fingers works best. Overall, I have found that when you have mature skin, less is more is the best way to go. I wear a lot less makeup in my 50's than I did in my 40's.


Hi Angie, I'm 70 and tried this hack. My first try it was about like yours.
I was sure it was the power fountain for setting. I tried another time spreading the Aquiphor with a brush, and using my regular under eye powder to set.
It worked fabulously.
I'm thrilled.


I AGREE WITH YOU Angie- the Aquaphor side wrinkles DO appear larger and more prominent. Don't be bummed- you just don't need that hack or extra step. GOOD FOR YOU!😘


I have super dry and thin undereye skin. Every single concealer is crazing, but I use vaselin all body balm now, and it completely changed the game.


I tried this trick this past week on a mother of groom and I’ve never done mature makeup that looked so radiant and soft on the wrinkles. I did apply very small amount with a brush and sheer it out and set very lightly with powder.


Angie, you look like your in your 40s.. stunning whatever age..but just in awe of how your skin looks makeup free.. I was so systematic about my skincare for decades.. just sometimes life keeps on kicking you down, I gave up on myself. Thank you for inspiring me again. Time to self love/ self care again. So much gratitude. 🙏❤️✨️


About a year ago I started using a tiny, tiny amount of the regular Aquaphor ointment as a nighttime eye moisturizer. (I had forgotten my eye cream while traveling.) I continued use when I returned home, because it felt so good. I wasn’t even thinking about it helping wrinkles. A few months ago I noticed my eye wrinkles were dramatically improved! I am 59 years old, with normal skin. It’s a huge difference. I’ll never stop using it.


Marketing has drilled into us to use a concealer under the eyes. Yet, it never stays and it always creases. I thought about it a long time when I realized…. you know what does stay? Eye shadow. It stays put, comes in dozens of colors that will match and highlight anyone’s skin tone, will layer without caking and is buildable. I haven’t had to buy a concealer in decades and I don’t miss it.


I think this Aquaphor hack is going to cause a LOT of milia under all of these eyes 😕


You are a riot! Just had to laugh when you said am I seeing this right? You are seeing it right! Having watched you made up by professionals, outside of this video, I’ve come to the conclusion that you know your skin best and your products so well that you are your own best makeup artist. And thank you for your good research.


This hack worked great for me! It was a game changer! I didn't use the Maybeline powder, I used Elf HD powder. 😊


Hi Angie! I actually have been trying this for about 3 days, only under my eyes. I'm 63 with dry skin. I use it with the Pat McGrath under eye powder and Natasha Denona concealer (I really disliked the Lancome concealer).And this has been working really well for me!
I'm sorry it didn't work out for you:(


I tried it without the powder, used my own setting powder and it worked awesome for me. Im 54 years old so happy.
I trust Angie and Gabi they both are great! Faithful watcher here!
