Normandy American Cemetery overlooking Omaha beach.

Показать описание
The American cemetery in Normandy is one of the most visited sites in Normandy. Around one and a half million visitors. 9388 graves have 9386 bodies interred. Learn some of the stories about these men. The first, the youngest, oldest, the medals of honor, famous brothers..
The cemetery is sited overlooking Omaha beach, the bloodiest of the five D-day beaches.

Free Legend to the maps in the videos.

Books on The Normandy American cemetery. Constant Lebastard , William Jordan

00:00 Intro
00:27 Raising the flags
00:30 100,000 soldiers buried in Normandy
01:25 American Battle Monuments commision
02:20 Howard Henry Ranger First death
03:00 Four airmen buried behind each other
04:20 Identification
05:15 Roy Talhelm youngest soldier
05:40 Oldest soldier
06:00 Niland brothers Saving Private ryan
07:05 Generals
08:00 First cemetery on Omaha beach
09:15 60% were repatriated
10:40 1000 yds leveled
12:00 Unknown soldiers
12:25 Crosses aligned by string
12:46 St James Brittany cemetery
13:00 Women buried
13:44 Medals of Honor
14:30 Wall of the missing
14:54 Simonetti found
15:30 Two unidentified bodies identified
17:00 Design of cemetery
17:58 Bedford boys
19:00 Leopoldville disaster
20:00 Train wreck
21:00 Non Normandy graves
23:00 Peiper twin brothers reunited in 2018
24:00 Gardners maintenance
24:55 Flag ceremony taps


Photos US National Archives


Mouse click (by THE_bizniss)

Unfa's Menu Sounds (by unfa)

BronzeBell2 (by Zabuhailo)


Visited and Projected sites:
Why D-Day
Pegasus bridge
Omaha beach
Sword beach
Pointe du Hoc
American airborne
Utah beach
Juno beach
Gold beach
British airborne
Saint Marie du Mont
Waverly Wray
Omaha inland
6th June 2020 76th anniversary.
La Fierre
Michael Wittman - Villers Bocage - Gaumesnil
The Malmann line
Band of Brothers
Merville gun battery
Filthy Thirteen
Worthington Force
Falaise pocket
Taking St Lo
Operation Cobra
Longues gun battery
Taking Cherbourg
Operation Bleucoat
General Falley
Arromanches and the Mulberries
82nd airborne
101st airborne
Donald Burgett
Operation Totalise
Graignes massacre
Joe Beryle
Ed Shames
Angoville au plain
Battle of Bloody gulch
Maisy gun battery.
Abbey d'Ardenne and the Canadian 7th June advance
Douvre radar station

Photo credits
US national archives
Bundes archives
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very well done Sir, I have visited a few times been struck how busy it is, a very different experience to some of the smaller CWG sites I have visited. Thank you for your work.


Well done. A difficult project, handled with tact and respect. Not to mention much research.


My wife's father is the youngest buried on the beach.Pvt. Roy Talhelm, "G"Co. 506 101st.still 17.God bless them all.🇺🇸


I thank you with a grateful heart for your video. I knew of Normandy but not alot of the history and i learned greatly from you dear sir. God bless you greatly.❤


Thank you as always for a great and thoughtful narration. I visited in September 2019. I have never felt so alive while walking around and between the marble markers. But I could also feel the real sense of sacrifice.


I just wanted to thank you for all your Attention to the American soldiers and all the Information on theses Missing military men and women who are now rest in peace at this cemetery there are not very many documentaries like your on the cemeteries of Normandy there are some but I really did enjoy your videos of the war on D-Day so thank you very much for your time and effort on these videos take care stay safe God bless and will see you on your next video project


Excellent effort, Sir. Thank you.


Really interesting, informative and sensitively portrayed, thank you.


The next time I’m At Colleville-sur-Mer I will definitely view the cemetery differently. Excellent information and video


I came over a couple of weeks ago for a few days and Remembrance Day .
Thanks to your videos I had a much better understanding of the places I visited.

I went to the Normandy British Memorial on 11-11 to pay respects.
Then to the American cemetery via overlord museum on the Friday.
On Remembrance Sunday I went to the cemetery in Bayeux and surprisingly I was the only one there. Do they not do Remembrance Sunday in France ?

Thanks again for the knowledge 👍


Thank you for this very moving video from start to finish .


Excellent work. Very interesting, very informative and VERY respectful. Brilliant and thanks. I just had to re play the ending again. Beautiful bugle work, what a tone.


Very very nicely done video. Interesting and respectful.


A very informative video Colin, as always. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge


What brilliant documentary been there . Very sad that so many had been killed well put together ❤

very sad that so many killed


I have a question if the French government succeeded the American graveyards to the Americans indefinitely. What about the British Commonwealth and German graveyards were they also succeeded to the British Canadian polish and German governments also? I would like you to someday when you have time do one on the notorious Germans that are buried in the Normandy cemeteries. You show Michael Whitman's grave along with his tank crew what about doing one on the SS Commander dyckman? I had duty as a very young lieutenant at the Normandy American cemetery as part of the ceremony teams. And I also participated in the parachute jump reenactment in 1976 anniversary of D-Day. Your videos are very informative and they are very respectful to all parties involved in this horrendous conflict. You could do a story on the parachute dress girls of the D-Day re-enactment the young ladies that had their dresses made out of parachutes to look like American flags at the one year anniversary of D-Day. I believed her father still owns a bar there somewhere in the Normandy countryside name the D-Day bar. Enjoy your videos on the French Resistance and also the ones on the normal French civilians that were very helpful and guiding the Americans in the Normandy countryside. Very well done my hat is off to you🎉🎉🎉🎉


Great video but the placement of the giant thumbs up over the gravestones was unfortunate.


A very well done documentary. I have a question you stated that the families were allowed the choice of removing the remains back to United States of the American soldiers what about the British and Commonwealth families in the German families were they allowed to have their families remains removed back to their country of origin?


I have a odd question that related to cemeteries. On your story of the paratrooper Joe Bailey. You said once he was captured a German took his dog tags and uniform and tried to cross into the American lines and was killed. And I'm assuming that Joe's family was notified that he was killed in combat. My question is where was the pretend American paratrooper that was actually a German buried at and was he buried as Joe Bailey? And from what I understand there was two Americans that were allegedly killed during the Battle of the bulge but they were actually part of that German secret unit that crossed over into American Lines dressed up in American uniforms n was shot by some military police at a roadblock but they still had the American dog tags and the American uniforms that had been taken off of pows in a POW camp in Germany. We sure enjoy your d day series here in Michigan.. and I had the honor of meeting Joe Bailey at a veterans conference down in Lansing Michigan some years ago myself being a 101 from the Vietnam war.. truly a very modest humble gentleman...


I visited in 2018, however, as it had been a wet period with more rain than normal the grass was cordened off. Also, it is my understanding that cemetaries in the Netherlands donated to the U.S.A. are their property and under U.S>.laws and regulations.
