How to Write a Song: Sensory Writing Tricks | Songwriting | Tips & Techniques

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In this free tutorial, Berklee Online instructor songwriter Andrea Stolpe shares how to write a song using sensory and destination writing tips and techniques.

For over a decade, course author Andrea Stolpe has written for the commercial music industry, including songs performed by Faith Hill and Josh Gracin. Her online course, Commercial Songwriting Techniques, is a perfect combination of theory and concrete skill building that focuses songwriters on the key element of writing a hit song: creating patterns of content that will help to create memorable melodies and lyrics that forge an emotional connection with the listener.

For more songwriting tips and techniques watch these free tutorials:

How to Write A Song: Use Critique to Improve Your Songs
How to Write A Song: Tips for Writing Lyrics to Music

Want more? Learn songwriting online with Berklee:
In Commercial Songwriting Techniques, you'll learn a ten-step process to reproducing the time-tested traits of successful songs while still maintaining your unique voice – a practice critical to the success of any songwriter. You'll learn to control the connection to your audience through toggling – moving between detail and pulling back for a broader picture. You'll also learn to use all of your senses—touch, taste, smell, sight, sound, and movement—as springboards for creativity in a process called destination writing. These enhanced descriptive skills will give you the power to determine the intensity of the experience you create with your song lyrics. By focusing on a different song section every week you'll also learn how to streamline your writing and create more descriptive songs in less time. This course plants the seeds necessary for writing great commercial songs in an easy to understand step-by-step method, while always leaving the door open for individual artistic expression.

Andrea Stolpe is a multi-platinum recorded songwriter, performing artist, and educator. She has worked as a staff writer for EMI, Almo-Irving, and Universal Music Publishing, with songs recorded by such artists as Faith Hill, Daniel Lee Martin, Julianne Hough, and others. Andrea is the author and instructor of the course Commercial Songwriting Techniques, part of Berklee Online's online songwriting program. Recently released in fall of 2007, her book Popular Lyric Writing: 10 Steps to Effective Storytelling describes how to apply a unique process for uniting our artistic voice with the commercial market.

Andrea graduated with a degree in songwriting from Berklee College of Music. She continues to tour and promote her solo release, "Breaking Even," and serve as a guest clinician nationally and abroad. Andrea lives in Los Angeles with her husband, recording engineer Jan Teddy.

How to Write A Song | Songwriting | Tips & Techniques | Free Tutorial
Рекомендации по теме

I always like to use sensory writing because my Autism makes me want to have a sensory experience in a song. I feel like I have intensified observational skills when I listen or see something, and it resonates a lot in my writing. I love writing about nature, because it's pretty much everywhere around you, and people tend to underestimate the beauty and power of nature, and how without it our world wouldn't be so beautiful and successful.


This is super helpful! I love object writing, so destination writing was a nice twist on that to try. Thanks for posting this. I'm in the middle of writing 100 songs in 100 days on my channel and have a few tips of my own if anyone's interested. Would love to hear anyone's thoughts / advice / etc.

1. Don't give up on songs too early! In forcing myself to finish a song a day, I've had many songs that I would've trashed halfway through if I didn't set this deadline, and have been pleasantly surprised with all of them. Any finished song is infinitely better than a half finished song that was never finished.
2. Set some constraints! The hardest essays have no prompts. Force yourself to include a certain word or phrase in your lyrics, common or uncommon. Force yourself to write a chorus with only 3 words. Force yourself to use a concept you heard in another song, or to finish a song in a day. Constraints require you to come up with ideas you would have never thought of otherwise and facilitate creativity.
3. And some random "writer's block" tips: try moving things around (switch lines in the chorus, make the first verse the second verse); exercise and eat a small snack (5-10 minute walk and peanuts will do) and come right back to it; ask songwriter friends for advice and opinions, and ALWAYS return the favor!

Let me know if you have any tips, and thanks again for this video!


I had no idea what Sensory Writing is or even that there was something called Sensory Writing. I'd write about my feelings in that moment when I see, feel, taste, touch or hear something. I had no idea that the terminology existed.. as Sensory Writing.. This is a great video. I'm glad I found this channel.


Your voice is so calm like you should teach yoga bc relaxing


This is so good! I'm just going to keep looping this until I see it in my dreams!


2021 and this (and other Berklee online videos) are still GOLD!


I really enjoy Andrea's perspective and descriptions... also, Yes, it's much easier for me to listen to her than Other Teachers; Very relevant and actively engaging.


Thank you for an insightful video. Will use some of your tips in my songwriting!


I have been applying this and its really helped me bring more meaning to my songs! Thank you :D


I agree with her viewpoint. I'm collecting ideas about feeling, mood, emotion, facial expression of each emotion, character, place, story, behavior and so on. If you talk to listeners sincerely, they will listen your music.


Great vid. Thanks. What do you think would be the most beneficial practice for improving lyric writing?


This unlocked a major block for me 🙏 thank you ✊👌


I wrote a song the other day, the music playing in the background of this video kinda reminds me of it.


These are amazing tips. I'm just starting to write music and this is what I needed


Thanks, dear Andrea Stolpe. I love learning with you. You are didatic :)


What great solutions, I found the videos I have looked soooo useful!


Great help. Glad my fingers brought me here.


Describe how I feel inside, then write about it. Good advice


It would be nice to have much lower volume on the music or no music at all. What she is saying is so good and interesting, but the music is like a big blanket of distraction on top it. Dare silence in your online teaching videos! 

AND - Thank you for great content, I am learning so much from these videos!


I didn't really get it. I understand the definition but I'm not sure that it would work. can someone show me an example of this destination and sensory writing.
