video 38 Types of company part 1- government company

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types of company
1.Goverment 2. Non - goverment
1. Goverment companies means any company in which not less that 51% shares are held by the central government or by any state government.
goverment companies can be classified into
A. private :a private company is a company where the number of members is limited to 200 and there is restriction on the transfer of shares. the private word here does not refers to private ownership rather it tells about whether the shares of the company can be bought/ sold publicly or not.
B. public.: public company is a company which is not private. And it can be of two types -
B(1). Unlisted public company means a public company whose securities are not traded on any stock exchange.
B(2). Listed public company means a company which has any of it's securities are listed on any recognized stock exchange.
a private company might become a public listen company by conducting an initial public offering (IPO) , under which the company offers it's shares for the first time to the general public through a stock exchange for trading purpose.
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