Compassion Fatigue: Developing Self - Compassion and Resilience

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Compassion fatigue is a significant mental health concern, commonly experienced by caregivers, that results from caring for others and affects the quality of life for caregivers and those around them. In order for caregivers to provide optimal care for others, they should ensure that they are taking the necessary steps to care for themselves. "Compassion Satisfaction: Developing Self-Compassion and Resilience" will explore the concepts of compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction, and burnout, as they relate to caregivers.
1. Define the term compassion fatigue.
2. Discuss compassion satisfaction/joy of caring.
3. Identify tools to recognize the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue.
4. Develop strategies to prevent compassion fatigue and optimize compassion satisfaction.
1. Define the term compassion fatigue.
2. Discuss compassion satisfaction/joy of caring.
3. Identify tools to recognize the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue.
4. Develop strategies to prevent compassion fatigue and optimize compassion satisfaction.