Who and What are the 144,000 and the Star Seeds

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Thank you ❣️🙏 Yep you don't want to be one! I've always been a rebel, I was bullied so much when young. I've had so many jobs I can't count them lol. I have huge compassion. I'm a healer. I always help people. I'm always exhausted in the morning and throughout the day. I know while sleeping I'm working on missions etc and I never fit in here, I'm 48 and I still don't fit in! I always want to go home. I have a sword at home and I feel the closest to Archangel Michael and Jesus. I always knew this world was so messed up (to me it's like hell here) and it breaks my heart! 🥺❤️💔
Love you Kimberly 💖 and thank you so much for this video 🙏


Welp this explains a lot. Starting to think I'm one of these 144K. I am an angelic and have had multiple month-long periods of extreme exhaustion plus major body pains. One excruciatingly painful injury that manifested randomly in the middle of the night once, then healed a few nights later. Low energy ever since my awakening and very intense symptoms and emotions. And it's seeming like everything in my life was cleared to focus on astral battling/energetic transmuting. It's been completely brutal for me since my awakening in May '22. I do not recommend as you say. 🤪Thank you for this. I've been bingeing your videos lately and have appreciated them a lot! 🙏


Hi Kimberly. I was so grateful when I saw your video. I was told two years ago by a psychic that I was a Blu-ray soul, and at the time I was only resonating with the Pleiadians. Then I started resonating with the Blu-ray soul and I had another reading with the same psychic and I asked her if I was one of the 144, 000 warriors of the rainbow, and she said yes. After hearing your description, I am all those things! Im a little taken back, because I spent 30 years of my life fighting depression, tried to leave the planet twice because I was so sick on pharmaceutical drugs, (so dimmed and dumbed down) After I woke up after my second suicide attempt, God took my hand and began my awakening. I had awakening symptoms early on since the 90s on and off, but 2 years ago is when the heavy work started. After that I got up the courage to leave my marriage, and move to another state to heal. Just in the last month, I felt as if I could finally look back on my old life and say goodbye and walk into my new life. I was hoping for some peace.. 🥴
But it is what it is... and if that’s where I’m here, so be it. I need to surrender. So much growth thee past two years. I’m soooo aware. My eyes are WIDE OPEN 👁
I was also told back in 2008 after visiting a shaman at YOUR HEARTS HOME in Sedona that I was a “goddess” and a “warrior”
But I had no idea at the time what that meant. I do now. Thank you for all this information Kimberly. I appreciate you so much! 🤗💫✨🌟💙💜⚔️ NO FEAR!! NONE... BYE BYE DEMONS... Love you sister!


I think you’re not giving the 144, 000 enough credit though. It’s a fight worth fighting for. The good of humanity is worth fighting for. It’s true that it is not a glamorous job but it’s so worth it and someone’s gotta do it.


Delores Cannon was the first person I ever heard talk about anything even like this...I couldn’t quit reading her stuff for years. It gave me a completely different feeling about life, about being closer to God, it really changed me. 💜💜💜


I think my son might be one. He has crazy dreams all night almost every night. He often has unexplained pains and bruises, he had to fight for life ever since he was born. He is very empathetic and compassionate for everyone. He doesn't overly fit in but he has a one good friend. He is a very special boy he is only 7 but he has battled his whole life, nothing has come easy to him.


It is my belief that should a soul have chosen to be enhanced, to be one of the 144, 000 one will not ever choose to take the night off. One will be ready & willingly go where ever directed… our Generals Mikkal & Yeshua know they can count on us to get it done! Victory is ours! Creator MotherFather’s Will Be Done In Us!!!
Whether or not one is of the 144, 000 or not, we are All a piece of Creator! We are All in service to our brothers and sisters to All of Creator’s Creation 🥰 we All have gifts… we All have assignments we signed on for 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼pray unceasingly for continuous walk with Creator MotherFather Love one another Be kind, compassionate, helpful 😃
Thank you Kimberly for your posts… just found you again in my waking journey 🙏🏼 Creator’s blessings to you & yours 🙏🏼


Allistar* live and present here. 5 of 12 right side of AA Micheal, my general and brother. I am back to offload the children before we turn the battlefield to ash. Be grateful your service is not ours at this juncture and get out of our way as the eleventh hour is upon us. You are loved without measure. Know thyself and love one another


Hello from northeast Ohio. Purchased Ascension 101 and currently reading. I’ve passed along your name and book to some close friends that are on the same path. Thanks for all that you do. You are a trusted source. Keep the videos coming! 💜


Thank you so much for the insight. I recently purchased some of Dolores Cannons books on audible. I can’t wait to listen to them.


Thanks for this information, I wake up in the morning feeling like after a major boxing fight, not rested at all, pain all over. Black sheep of the family here. I am not saying I am one, but your description sounds like my life walk to the point. In my dreams and visions I saw myself fighting ugly beings since childhood, and since childhood I was very sure, that Yeshua is not the man how described in the bible, I just knew it because I knew him. I always pushed it on former life experiences.


Hi Kimberly! This is another great video; very interesting on the 144, 000. I sincerely hope I´m NOT one of them. I have wondered, however if Iḿ a starseed. I don´t waste time worrying about it though, I focus on the wonderful times we have ahead and all the beauty I have in my life. I really try to keep my vibration high so Iḿ manifesting good things. Thank you for all you do Kimberly; your light makes a big difference. Every Blessing Dear!


You have such sweet energy. Thank you so much for these explanations. Many Blessings


Hi Kimberly sending love and blessings


I love you !! Love and light Kimberly keep doing you absolutely LOVE your assistance in this entire process, amazing amazing amazing times to come ! :) 👁💙🙏💪


love & light, I highly recommend Ascension 101 book by Kimberly Palm, absolutely amazing journey :)


What amazing information, I was riveted! Thank you very much Kimberley 😀


Loved this, thank you, I did not fully understand about the 144, 000 so this has helped a lot. You explain things really well which is awesome.


I have close connection to Michael I have been fighting for 30 years now and is it normal that I am tired and don’t want to be around people, I enjoy my time alone . I feel special souls have been sent to Canada, country where 75% of population is in the hypnotic state and far from awakening . I feel exacted in this country . I survived real war in 1992 but this one is something els3


I just did a video about this too a few days ago. I’m looking forward to our next on-camera conversation in a few days.
