Of Human Bondage, W. Somerset Maugham - Book Review

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0:00 - Of Human Bondage, plot review
4:55 - My feelings
6:43 - Don't be intimidated!
7:54 - W. Somerset Maugham
9:39 - Question & comment
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You have hit the nail on the head - it's very human. That's why I loved it upon my first reading in my early 20s, I have never stopped singing it's praises. Everyone one in their early 20s should read this book. It hasn't dated at all. 💌💌.


One of the greatest films ever made, starring Bette Davis and Leslie Howard.1934. In the film he studied art at Paris.


I read it at 19 and it changed me. Time to read it again. I share the same Birth date as Maugham, Jan 25th. Robert Burns, Virginia Woolf…many writers. Kinda cool to find out when I grew into an adult REVERING this work.


Thanks for a very interesting review. I recently read the book in Ukrainian translation. This is the first William Somerset Maugham book I read. In my opinion, it is one of those that can be said to be the pinnacle of the author's creativity. It is easy to understand, without excessive moralizing, and at the same time, there are enough philosophical reflections, which are competently embedded. It still hasn't lost its relevance. More than once I compared it with the previously read novel by Thomas Mann "Enchanted Mountain". Mildred Rogers was a bit annoying, her possible demonization and the fact that the main character had a crush on her for a long time and was in a relationship with her. It would be interesting to imagine how Philip Carey and Sally's future family relationship could develop.


This is one of my favourites! Have read it twice and it is fantastic.
Maugham wrote quite a few good books and quite a few not so good books, or at least books that I don't care much for.


In one of the great and much under appreciated novels of the 20th century, Anthony Burgess’s “Earthly Powers”, the story’s protagonist is based on WS Maugham. Burgess, who knew Maugham does a wonderful job of characterizing him in the novel but without absolutely identifying him as Maugham.


I read this book at 19 years old and saw how profound it was at the time. I’ve just finished rereading it and to describe it in a phrase, I’d say excellence through mediocrity


For what it's worth, I'm Australian, and I think I prefer British literature over American. I think I've read more British. Having said that, I've probably read and enjoyed more popular fiction from America than from anywhere else.

"Of Human Bondage" was the first big chunky grown up literature I ever read just for fun and what fun it was. I think I've read it three times now and it just better with each re-read. I can't believe I just watched that twenty minutes of gushing though and you didn't even mention Philip's obsession with Mildred, which is one of my favourite things ever! Thanks for another wonderful video. I am slowly getting to them :-)


I just finished watching the Leslie Howard movie an hour ago. I commented how psychologically and socially authentic it was in portraying the relationship with the Modern Woman. I lived it all. The movie does focus entirely on his experiences with women culminating in finding his self respect and staying away from lower class women. I feel it was remarkable even if shortened. Probably more suitable for a dozen installment mini series on PBS TV. I just wish I'd known about the colorized version.


I like how you read the prose to show his style of writing. That's what I like the most with Maugham. It's his style.


As an American in his mid 20s, I feel myself drawn to British writers over American novelists- especially those from Maugham's time period. Dickens, Kipling, Maugham, Sir Conan Doyle. GK Chesterton... Not only the style in which they write, but the things they choose to write about is important, deep to the soul, and pondering.


Studied English lit as a major in China. Read the book during college, didn't understand a lot, but was touched by the sensual language I was studying, with the beginning of young girl's understanding of love, romance, loneliness... Read it recently again, decades later. I understand a lot more, about everything the book was saying, and not said. Thanks for your thoughts.


A nice, clear review, thanks. I will now have a go at reading, I love his short stories. Thanks


I enjoyed your thoughts, thanks for sharing. When I was a teenager (a long time ago) I worked part-time at a bookstore. The young manager pulled me aside one day as she yanked "Of Human Bondage" off the shelf, saying: "Read this. Trust me. You'll fall in love with Maugham's writing." Well, that turned out to be an understatement. I was mesmerized by OHB, and have collected and read much of Maugham's writing over many years. He remains my favourite author. In my opinion, his greatest talent is his power of observation. I encourage anyone to give this novel a try.


Lovely. Thank you. I'm from Pakistan. Have a Masters in English Literature. I did the right thing. You just showed me.


I loved the novel when I read it. I live in Michigan and I read both English and American in probably equal amounts. I agree there are some aspects of a writer's life I do not need to know about in order to appreciate their work.


Thanks for bringing this masterpiece to my attention, just finished it the other day and it lingers with me like my shadow, even tho i think it's more suited for younger readers, i got so much of it, i've never read anything faster except maybe The Brothers Karamazov, but that's a story for some other video. Cheers


Could this apply to the novel?:

- We are never so defenseless against suffering as when we love. (Freud)


Please, get subtitles in Portuguese Brazil otherwise become difficult watch this excellent show.


The book is long for sure, but I never felt like it was too long. I really love everything I've read of his so far. I have read Of Human Bondage, The Moon and Sixpence, and The Painted Veil. They are some of my old time favorites. The author was a weirdo but man, could he write!!!
