Introduction to Logarithmic Differentiation

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This calculus video tutorial provides a basic introduction into logarithmic differentiation. It explains how to find the derivative of functions such as x^x, x^sinx, (lnx)^x, and x^(1/x). You need to take the natural log of both sides of the equation and perform implicit differentiation to find dy/dx. You need to be familar with product rule for derivatives and properties of logarithms.
Derivatives - Fast Review:
Derivatives - The Product Rule - f*g:
Derivatives - The Quotient Rule:
Derivatives - The Chain Rule:
Derivatives - Composite Functions:
Implicit Differentiation:
Derivatives of Inverse Trig Functions:
Derivatives of Exponential Functions:
Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions:
Logarithmic Differentiation:
Derivatives - Using Logarithms:
Derivatives of Inverse Functions:
Derivatives - Differentiation Rules:
Derivatives - Function Notations:
Derivatives - The Reciprocal Rule:
Final Exams and Video Playlists:
Full-Length Videos and Worksheets:
Derivatives - Formula Sheet:
Derivatives - Fast Review:
Derivatives - The Product Rule - f*g:
Derivatives - The Quotient Rule:
Derivatives - The Chain Rule:
Derivatives - Composite Functions:
Implicit Differentiation:
Derivatives of Inverse Trig Functions:
Derivatives of Exponential Functions:
Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions:
Logarithmic Differentiation:
Derivatives - Using Logarithms:
Derivatives of Inverse Functions:
Derivatives - Differentiation Rules:
Derivatives - Function Notations:
Derivatives - The Reciprocal Rule:
Final Exams and Video Playlists:
Full-Length Videos and Worksheets:
Derivatives - Formula Sheet: