Chinese Mandarin| MUST-KNOW Drinks and Useful Sentence Examples in Chinese Mandarin

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Useful Expressions in This Lesson
饮料 Drinks
可乐 Coke
百事可乐 Pepsi
可口可乐 Coca Cola
芬达 Fanta
矿泉水 Mineral Water
奶茶 Milk Tea
红茶 Black Tea
绿茶 Green Tea
咖啡 Coffee
牛奶 Milk
酸奶 Yogurt
雪碧 Sprite
王老吉 Chinese Herbal Tea
橙汁 Orange juice
苹果汁 Apple juice
葡萄汁 Grape juice
I don't like drinking coke because it's too sweet.
I don't like drinking coffee because it's too bitter.
Tomorrow I will go to supermarket to buy yogurt.
Shop owner, where is the mineral water?
My favorite drink is orange juice.
服务员 给我一杯可乐。谢谢。
Waiter, give me a glass of coke, thanks.
How much is large milk tea?
Nihao Chinese is a fun Mandarin learning channel hosted by Chinese native Eddie G :)
I upload new videos every Thursday and Sundays.
Leave your comments and let Eddie know what you want to learn in the upcoming videos.
Nihao Chinese provides the most practical and down to earth Chinese language contents based on daily life.
As Teacher.Eddie always lectures you hard-working Chinese learners, Shú Néng Shēng Qiǎo :) = Practice makes perfect
[汉语艾迪 ChineseEddieG]
Instagram: @eddie_koo
饮料 Drinks
可乐 Coke
百事可乐 Pepsi
可口可乐 Coca Cola
芬达 Fanta
矿泉水 Mineral Water
奶茶 Milk Tea
红茶 Black Tea
绿茶 Green Tea
咖啡 Coffee
牛奶 Milk
酸奶 Yogurt
雪碧 Sprite
王老吉 Chinese Herbal Tea
橙汁 Orange juice
苹果汁 Apple juice
葡萄汁 Grape juice
I don't like drinking coke because it's too sweet.
I don't like drinking coffee because it's too bitter.
Tomorrow I will go to supermarket to buy yogurt.
Shop owner, where is the mineral water?
My favorite drink is orange juice.
服务员 给我一杯可乐。谢谢。
Waiter, give me a glass of coke, thanks.
How much is large milk tea?
Nihao Chinese is a fun Mandarin learning channel hosted by Chinese native Eddie G :)
I upload new videos every Thursday and Sundays.
Leave your comments and let Eddie know what you want to learn in the upcoming videos.
Nihao Chinese provides the most practical and down to earth Chinese language contents based on daily life.
As Teacher.Eddie always lectures you hard-working Chinese learners, Shú Néng Shēng Qiǎo :) = Practice makes perfect
[汉语艾迪 ChineseEddieG]
Instagram: @eddie_koo
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