Different View of Shyness [MLP animation or PMV ?]

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My new animation is like PMV!
Shyness. pff... Do you like this Fluttershy?


Playlist with all MLP animations "Different views":


Actions in my animations take place in alternative Equestria My Little Pony. This universe is much darker. Ponyville, Canterlot, Crystal Empire. Some things don't happen and some things happen differently. Different story, different equestria and different pony. All this in my "Different view" animations!




Thanks for supporting my Patrons!
5+$: Wing Preener, Peter Coulthard, GhostFire
1$: Alexey Golubev

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1:44- my favorite moment in this video


1:44 Flutters: "LOVE ME!!"
That's the tone of voice I use whenever I get annoyed. It's also the best Flutter-line in the entire show, in my opinion.


I love this the way how when other ponies who see her she acts so shy, but she's actually cruel. The way how as the animation progresses she becomes more like flutterbat and how Angel bunny seems to know about this side of Fluttershy from the beginning, overall such a good animation!!!


I really do love how this series is a full, fledged *AU!* Fluttershy really is a completely different character here; not a shy, crying victim, but rather a god damn *predator* who fools everyone into believing in her act.
But she's also not just a monster. The visuals and progression of the song implies all sorts conflicted feelings; doubt, anger, bitterness, but we can also see her smiling, squashing the heart...
I get the impression that she *became* a batpony later on, and this is a glimpse into her progression further into being a monster... That, or we're just slowly learning the full truth behind that cute, shy little smile.


0:16 Angel Bunny is scared because he knows how Fluttershy can be when angry.


Love me! 1:45

Edit: Thx for 84 likes!


killme2paza: **uses fluttershy's 'love me' line to cover the lyric part**
everyone: *genius*


What I've learned from this video, is that fancypants foolishly went in the same alley for three nights straight.


0:50 is such a weird angle.
Other than that, I like the different approach here. It's something new. I also really like how the video get's continuously darker and the scenes build up on one another.
Can't wait to see some reactions to this. ^^


Soo... just noticed something! If you have the playback speed at the slowest and watch from 2:00 to 2:02 you can see FlutterShy switching her mean face to her innocent one. This shows the animator really put a lot of thought about this video.


Some minor things you might have missed:

At the first "Let me introduce myself" (0:05), Fluttershy seems to place the heart in her chest, and at the second iteration (2:56) she bursts the heart.

At the chorus (0:45) she appears to be moving her hooves to move the black square and reveal the Mane 6.

Speaking of the Mane 6, we see everyone. Everyone but Applejack. This possibly means that Fluttershy took Applejack's life while she attempted to stop Fluttershy in her bat form, and afterwards possessed the rest of her friends (using this power seen at 0:30), as we see the ponies have white glowing eyes in the second repeat, then red in the third.

The sky in the first iteration of the chorus at 0:42 appears to be the sun setting, then at 1:48 it appears to be night time (and on the third repeat it's red). Could possibly mean that as it becomes night time Fluttershy turns into a dangerous bat monster. Though, the sky seen at 0:50 makes it look like it's daytime, and it's the same on all repeats.

On the first repeat 1:12, Fluttershy is seen eating an apple and probably spared Fancy Pants, the second repeat 2:17 she is not eating an apple and Fancy Pants doesn't looked relieved, and on the final repeat, Fancy Pants is gone, Fluttershy probably ate him alive.

At 2:30, Fluttershy seems to be speaking to herself as we see her looking at a copy of her, and the part following after "you, you, you" 2:47, "you" is herself as she is pointing to her reflection in a puddle (like the one seen at 1:14)


Fluttershy’s kind personality: when i’m in school and in the public

Fluttershy’s hidden personality: me at home, angry, or annoyed at everything


I have an interpretation for this video, which shows that Fluttershy portrays to others the shy/scared Fluttershy we know (1:13) but when alone, or not around other ponies, Fluttershy is actually a vampony, in the sense such that she literally either sucks blood or eats up other ponies (final chorus, Fancy Pants is nowhere to be seen while Fluttershy is chewing). Each chorus shows Fluttershy getting closer to being a monster.


1:43 флаттершай тебя все любять успокойся хех


0:30 suddenly the implications of Fluttershy's _cute_ intimidation ability become a lot more terrifying.

Hypnotic gaze... she really IS a vampire, isn't she? 😱


2:19 самый красивый момент в моей жизьни!
( ¡ 〰¡)👌


i remember watching this when i was small


Everybody else: Omg flutter evil so cute
Me: FLUTTERSHY (first “are you ready for the monster monster”, third phase) HAVE MERCY ON MY SCAREDNESS


OMG, this animation is totally amazing, incredible, spectacular and absolutely phenomenal Paza i love it.


Да уж, у Флаттершай явно есть темная сторона. И не одна. Поэтому иногда она становится.... другой. Это одна из причин, почему она мне так нравится и... А, да, спасибо за анимацию кстати.
P.S. Классные вставки из сериала (Love me!)
