Landing Gear Retraction Embraer E190

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WARNING: The sound levels in this video can be detrimental to your hearing. If you are using earphones, please lower the volume considerably!
A landing gear retraction test carried out in a line maintenance facility of Air Canada at their YVR base. Mechanics check not only the proper function of the retraction mechanism but also the flushness of all closure panels and the landing gear doors.
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the way the nose gear retracts is insanely efficient.... damn


To those that commented on the noise level, yes, this is a work environment that has a multitude of unavoidable very high noise pollution. All personnel involved as well as those working nearby are required to use hearing protectors. We have the option of the ‘over ear’ types or conformable finger tips are not approved😄


Thanks to all the folks that’s come by to watch this video. If you are just curious about the ‘behind-the-scenes’ in aircraft maintenance there’s a few more in my channel. They were taken at random as the opportunity presents itself. I’m an aircraft maintenance personnel that also happens to love planes and enjoy photography. Leave a comment or hit the like or dislike button so I’ll know what turns on or off people in the future. Cheers😊


Saudades do tempo que trabalhava na Embraer Faria Lima em São José do campos 🇧🇷


Mashallah suban Allah Allah app ki lanbi umbar kary amin summa


I didn't know this Embraer had a landing gear like that of the Boeing 737 that the outer wheels aren't covered. However the 737 has some kind of "hubcaps" to make the rims smoother and more aerodynamic, however this Embraer doesn't even have such a thing 😳


Esse mecanismo é um show, funciona incrivelmente muito bem.


Podemos concluir este projeto é excelente muito seguro para decolagem, para pousar Podemos trabalhar projeto um controle da pressão vertical, duas turbinas com controle de até dez velocidade de pressão, a velocidade 1, 2 e 3 e para pousar, a velocidade 4 em diante 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 é para trabalhar a pressão vertical, dar suporte para a pressão horizontal retomar o vôo (decolagem) #Embraer #Brasil
Observações: podemos ter uma visão de não mudar o design da aeronave .
" Quando eu falo de turbinas verticais, eu me referindo a saindo de ar em posição vertical, as tubulações de saída vertical podemos projetar em um raio de equilíbrio da aeronave um raio de equilíbrio imaginário, me referindo a uma tubulação circular que distribuir a pressão do ar de uma maneira cadenciada e uniforme, temos de referência o ponto de equilíbrio das asas e o corpo da aeronave .


It's an inspection of a landing gear...


What the hell this plane can’t fly without folding the landing gears. What is the reason it must needed to put in and out?? Whay do they taking this risk ?


With out helmet work at Man, no safety it's very important


how much A 330 model number airline ..?


Holy crap, are the hangar doors open during this test? You NEVER put the aircraft up on jacks and retract the gear because there is a possibility (albeit very slight) a gust of wind could move it off a jack. How do you explain millions of dollars in damage just because you were too lazy to close the hangar doors?
