6 Signs Of Flirting Older Men Always Miss (Younger Women Do THIS)

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6 Signs Of Flirting Older Men Always Miss (Younger Women Do THIS)

Hey there, it's Sarah. Have you ever noticed a younger woman acting friendly towards you and wondered if there's more to it? Today, we're going to break down the flirting signs that often fly under the radar for older men.

Don't miss our bonus tip, it’s a key insight that will significantly refine your interpretation and reaction to these signs. Make sure to watch till the end for this essential advice!

You may have stumbled onto today's video because you're looking for dating advice on the following topics: Signs she likes you, does she like me, how to know if a woman likes you, how to tell if a woman likes you, how to attract younger women, dating younger women, older men dating younger women, how to attract women, how age gap relationships work & many more along a similar theme. Today's video will provide you with everything you need if you're struggling with the situations mentioned above.

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I should have done this video. Not only do I date women 30 years younger, they also are from a different culture and speak a different language. I have learned which ones to pay attention to regardless.


Oh dear. I'm too long in the game to discuss emojis (also known as modern cave drawings) and social media behavior (also known as hiding in pseudo-anonymity). People that are important to me either still know how to write eMails or we meet IN PERSON, where we can look each other in the eyes and feel each other's presence. Throw your idiotic smartphones away and learn how to TALK to people and actually BE HUMAN again.
