Dragon Age 2 Unlimited Level Up XP and Money Glitch Cheat Exploit (Tutorial/Commentary)

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Steps: Find a side quest that once completed doesn't have a cutscene.

Find the character that completes the mission and pull out your sword/weapon

Walk up to them and as soon as your character sheathes his or her weapon tap the A button until you have your desired level.
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@cyphi1 After like 4 days of searching, apparently when tutorial uploaders say "this works on any sidequest that doesn't have a scene" they're entirely wrong. It only works on Four Fetch quests in the first act, and One in the second

Remains of Sister Plinth (Found in Darktown, Given to man in the Chantry) Base Reward, 50 Silver, and 250 Exp
Eustice's Pommel (Found in the Bone Pit, Given to Eustice in the Barracks) Base reward 1 gold and 750 exp.
The main two ^

Is why it wont work for me.


This saved my life on the game man, thank you!


@XxEverythingXboxX Well you level up your abilities and attributes but at the same time that levels up the enemies as well. Just be sure to buy new armor and weapons that are good enough to defeat them. Because for example if I just leveled up a character from level 8 to 30 the weapons and armor I have are for a level 8 so just be sure to get equipment that a level 30 would use.


Yup, it's been patched. Happy? At least you got to exploit the glitch and benefit from it. To me, it wasn't necessary to patch. I'd say otherwise if this game had an online MP where you went PvP, but it's just single player.


Ngl. I been playing the game for 13+ hours now and am still only about 50% through the first act. There is just nonstop side missions and my ocd messes with me when I see the quests either on mini-map or my journal 😭😂😭 im like lvl 9ish and i feel so I wish this worked on digital version 🤷😵


“I hope they patched this because it really does kill the purpose” well, don’t cheat then. Mad simple lol


Seems like the patch also works against you. Enemies become harder to put down even on casual mode. Or they just stand there with 0 hp and either waver or still manage
to attack your hero. Played the game and beat it skipping the patch install.


So could you say this cheat doesn't really give you an advantage if your enemies level up along with you?


Actually, you don't need to draw your weapon and wait for it to sheath, you just need to press repeatedly when talking to them.


If the enemys also level, then this is kind of pointless :/


For some reason when I tried this it didnt work and I'm not updated at all


This is likely patched and if you delete the title update, this game doesn't let you load your game save, you'd have to restart the entire game..


I deleted the title update and it still doesn't work for me wtf am I not doing it right?


It still works ! I had to start a new game after removing the patch since it was not letting me load a save i had already before removing the the patch.


@gnourtanig it does work on ps3, u have to get rid of the patch, to do this go on your save game files and delete the patch then after that play the game. When you r playing the game keep telling u to download the patch and just keep saying no. Do this glich and go to what ever level u want and u can download the patch after your done leveling up your charater(I also think u have to be offline not 100% sure though)


hehe this glitch still works its called not downloading the update from xbox live play it offline then take it online .only when you do you wont be able to do it anymore and remember upgrade armor


If all enemies level up with you I can't see them making it a priority to patch this. If you don't go out of your way to get new equipment you'll end up killing yourself anyways, it's kinda like the game is punishing you itself.


@kungfumasta184 are you using all of your points? it only lets you confirm if you use every single point you have.


yea the only upside to this glitch is unlocked abilities,
otherwise your enemies are pretty much as strong as you
another downside is finding right equipment, which is really hard,
i found plate armor that is only 3 stars to me and im level 27
a good way to gain an advantage is finding another tome of greater mortal vessel, one is in the black emporium, and if u can find another, just keep duplicating it, your attributes would be high, but ur level low.


I did this glitch but now i can't use any of my talents ? i try to fill up my dual weapon tree and it asks me to either reset or assign to buttons doesnt let me confirm... -_-
