My Dog Rents a Swimming Pool and Refuses to Swim | Inspired by Tucker Budzyn

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My Dog Rents a Swimming Pool and Refuses to Swim | Inspired by Tucker Budzyn

Our german shepherd Rocky really loves water, but you won't see it in this video😄 During our travel to France we stayed in a beautiful villa with a swimming pool, but Rocky refused to swim. It was hilarious to see how our water doggo was actually avoiding water!
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If you like Tucker Budzyn, Leo Fucarev, Meeka The Husky, Zazu Talks, K'eyush The Stunt Dog you will like Rocky the German Shepherd too. We follow funny dog trends, dog challenges and do great dog reaction videos. Rocky is such a fun dog to film, so it would be a shame not to.

#germanshepherdrocky #gsd #funnydog #LeoFucarev #TigerFucarev
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