Minecraft Plus: A Modpack that Enhances EVERY Aspect of Vanilla Minecraft

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I've finally created my own modpack containing the mods I feel are the best for upgrading vanilla minecraft! The UI, sounds, exploration, biomes, structures, QOL, details and more are the main focus of this modpack, without adding many new items.

--- m o d p a c k d o w n l o a d ---

Curseforge: (keeps getting rejected, I give up)

You'll have to add Human Villagers yourself as I wasn't allowed to add it to the modpack. Simply add it to your resourcepacks folder and enable it in game.

--- s o c i a l s ---

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--- m u s i c ---

All music is from Old School Runescape

--- t i m e s t a m p s --

Intro: 0:00​
Mod recap from previous video: 0:31
UI Mods: 2:43
Easy Block Mods: 7:23
Detail Mods: 11:24
Exploration Mods: 18:12
QOL Mods: 22:40


#Minecraft​ #MinecraftTutorial​ #Shaders
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I didn't realize how boring the UI actually was until I saw this. Looks so much better!


Thank you for including Friends&Foes, its a honor to have the mod included in a vanilla plus minecraft modpack :), since the main goal of the mod is to be a vanilla plus mod without any crazy features.


So funny story: The modpack I’m working on coincidentally has nearly everything showcased in the video and then some. I respect your good taste in mods mate.


The vanilla clouds mixed with the shaders sky actually looks so nice and keeps the sky having the same vibe of Minecraft


Dear all bedrock players. this is not for bedrock


At 11:25

you can disable clouds in distant horizons settings: Graphics > Generic Rendering > Enable cloud rendering

That will remove the mimecraft clouds and leave the shader clouds

Tried it with most of the popular shaders and it's worked on all of them but ymmv

Edit: seems in the new 2.2.1a version of distant horizons that just dropped, the cloud rendering option got added to the main menu of the mod too. Not 100% sure but showed up in mine when I updated via the automatic update in game


This is legit the first proper Vanilla plus modpack I've seen. All others always add something weird like a billion new crops for some reason


The vanilla and modded clouds combined kinda look cool in a way, feels more aesthetically pleasing.


It's pretty rare I come across a mod showcase video where I feel like almost every mod on the list is worth downloading and adding to my own personal modlist. Awesome video dude, thanks


I find it strange Mojang doesn't add a few of these things to the game themselves? Especially some of the UI changes.


the vanilla clouds going through the shader clouds kind of looks insanely cool to me not gonna lie


It makes me happy that there's someone else out here who shares the same view on mods and resources like this. I've been using these mods and resources for years and I literally can not play Minecraft without this stuff anymore. Hope mojang see's this and uses it as inspiration to update some of these smaller aspects of the game!


The Runescape music in a Minecraft video is a trip - I love it.


Hey, thanks for including my mod Smooth Scrolling! I always just wanted to have that in the game but then i got into programming and then into modding and i just made a simple version of it and then progressively made it better and better and now it's used by thousands of people...


A handful of ideas to consider:
1. Have the ability to copy pages from your UI journal onto ingame books. Might be helpful if you want to pass on information that's important to other players like coordinates.

2. Have chiseled bookshelves be the only bookshelf variant craftable. In order to make normal bookshelves, you'd need to add seven books into a chiseled bookshelf. Fully filled chiseled bookshelves act the same way as normal bookshelves and be used in enchanting. Breaking a normal bookshelf will give you back your seven books and an empty chiseled bookshelf. You'd need silk touch to break the bookshelf without de-crafting it.

3. Consider removing the human villagers resource pack? Villagers are very iconic mobs, and the reason they aren't exact lookalikes to the player is to make the player more unique in the world. Ontop of that, mobs like the iceologer, tuff and copper golems still look like the vanilla villagers with their big noses. Removing the resource pack would make sure there's a consistent design in the modpack.

Mod Suggestions:
1. Continents by Stardust Labs: Splits Overworld land masses into large and small continents, separated by vast oceans. Could make exploration more exciting.

2. Essential Mod by SparkUniverse: A big mod with various QOL of life features, like being able to switch between skins in game, as well make singleplayer worlds multiplayer for a select few people. Feels appropriate for a modpack like this in my opinion.

Resource Pack Suggestions:
1. Fresh Animations FreshXL: Makes mob animations more alive and bouncier. Doesn't change their behavior but rather makes them more animated like in the Minecraft update trailers.

2. Fresh Moves: Allows the player to make their eyes and eyebrows on their skins animated and move around. While a bit technical to get handle of, when utilized it can make the player feel more alive and have personality.

3. Visuality by PinkGoosik: Gives a couple more animations to the player model when doing things like eating, riding animals, and more.

These are just some of my ideas for your modpack. I'd love to hear what you think of them. Keep up the great work!


Tysm for this! I just made a modpack for my friends and I completely disregarded the UI. Everything looks much better now thanks to you


I was just modpack shopping and I've been binge watching your stuff while being so curious about your mod list, this is perfect 💔💔


Nice! You got the feels, in the small details, much appreciated for this collection showcase


Your modpack is SO SO similar to my own private modpack. From using satisfying animation and sound mods to not using many mods that add more items to using Complimentary Shaders to using quality of life mods. It's all there.

Glad to see someone else with such impeccable tastes.

There were some differences though. My modpack is 1.19.2 and has the Physics Mod and Faithful 32x texture pack with Fresh Animations. I also use Better Combat. But, other than that, pretty much the same. I wouldn't add more mobs though. I don't like adding more mobs to clog up the spawn caps and prevent mobs I actually want from spawning.

Amazing job overall! Thank you for sharing your pack.
