Why Webassembly is the Next Wave of Cloud Computing - Matt Butcher

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Presented at All Things Open 2022
Presented by Matt Butcher - Fermyon

Title: Why WebAssembly is the Next Wave of Cloud Computing
Abstract: First there were virtual machines, the heavy-hitting powerhouse of the cloud. Then came containers, a middle-weight computing technology for running services. But there is a third category, where ultra-fast startup speed, small binary sizes, and developer friendliness compliment the basic cloud needs of security and portability. And this is where cloud-side WebAssembly shines.

In this talk, Matt kicks things off with a fun and engaging demo to show what this new landscape looks like. Then he dives into what makes WebAssembly the right fit for the next wave of cloud computing. WebAssembly isn't here to "beat" or "supersede" virtual machines and containers. It's a complimentary technology that makes it easier to build the things we want, while scaling well and keeping cloud cost low.

Finally, Matt covers how the various open source technologies behind the demo can be used for building blazingly fast (and cheap) microservices and web apps.

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