How To Enjoy MMOs Again

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There is an EASY fix for your boredom with MMORPGs! MAGIC. MONSTERS. MASTERY! Experience the Original, Immersive, Epic Fantasy World.

Are you finding it hard to enjoy MMOs these days? Are you trying MMOs only to not ever enjoy any of them? You're not alone, a lot of us are feeling this right now. Its rough when our favorite hobby isn't fun anymore. Are you burnt out on World of Warcraft, Elder scrolls online, Final Fantasy 14, Guild Wars 2, or Old School Runescape? Maybe try one of the tips in this video to get your groove back so you look forward to logging in again. Find the Best MMORPG for you, or just find something different. Lets talk about it

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Edited by: TheBeardsmith

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MAGIC. MONSTERS. MASTERY! Experience the Original, Immersive, Epic Fantasy World.

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Nice work! Waiting for a "Bored of life? How to enjoy life again" edition of this.


never had a more relatable click bait in my life


Definitely feel this - WoW slowly turned into a cycle where the "game" was no longer spent actually playing - the "game" was time spent on the internet researching stats, meta builds, gear - and running dungeons, doing raids, was just an extension of that game loop - which never stops. It very quickly reaches a point where you no longer really see progression, and a few months later a patch comes out and you have to start it all over again.


My boyfriend and I have a complicated living situation and work schedules at the moment so we decided to go BACK to wizard101 and play it differently and it’s honestly pretty fun. We decided to actually be more of a completionist than before and we wanted to max everything on one character. We don’t have time everyday but when we do it’s a lot of fun and it’s for our own relationship.


This is the first video I've seen of yours, very well-stated, beautiful, and valuable sentiments! I always love playing sub-optimally, more than the meta grind. As fun as it is to be the best and feel accomplished for doing everything possible, it's also fun to just do laid-back social events like "hide n seek" or "running a group dungeon naked & unarmed", or even just playing the game solo at a slower pace and enjoying the game environments. I feel like a lot of people need to see this video. ❤


I've found that a lot of my issues with MMOs came, without realizing, from not enjoying the game for what it was: a journey through a fantasy world with other people. LOTRO has rekindled this feeling of exploration and immersion for me in a way I didn't think possible.

I'm just enjoying discovering the world and reading the quest text, leveling together with a friend. There's not a huge amount of FOMO in that game, and a lot of the enjoyment is just the game itself. It's a chilled experience for me, and despite the graphics being a bit aged, the landscapes and vistas are crafted with a lot of taste, enough to make it tolerable.


This is why I love Albion online so much! Not really any dailies. I can just log in and do whatever I want whenever I want. It’s a true sandbox and I love it.


Lucky Ghost: Make friends


When I first played Skyrim I realized that this is kinda like an MMO but better. No grinding, no repetitiveness, no tedium, a world that feels alive and I could actually change and interact with, no fear of missing out, I could do everything at my own pace. I do go back to WoW every once in a while because I am fond of it, but only for short periods. Besides that I don't play MMO's anymore.


After playing ESO since 2014 I am so glad I figured out "Palette Cleansers" after getting 100% burnt out with EQ. I have No Man's Sky, The Infected, No One Survived and Europa Universalis in my weekly rotations. Quality info as always Lucky.


Literally picked up GW2 the other day and am not listening to any build guides or anything. Playing the game and exploring on my own. Makes the experience much more enjoyable.


This is a great video topic, so first off thanks for such a clean video discussing it! I think people often fall into the trap of wanting to be "the best" at whatever they're doing. It's admirable, but also sometimes misguided. Do what's fun, not just fast. I have received criticisms at times in the past for sub-optimal play, and I simply tell them "I'm doing what's fun." It doesn't prevent us from completing what we're doing, so we should be having fun wandering off the beaten "meta" path.

Of course, there is a lot of content (end game, specifically), which pretty much requires you forsake the "fun" for "fast." There are people who love optimizing and pushing their limits all the time, and that is good. I'm glad they have challenging content to play through. But when your end game consists of content that essentially requires only the meta, that definitely misses out on a certain demographic.

This brings it around to what I think is a major opportunity for innovation. Most challenging endgame is around difficult bosses with specific timing and sequences of mechanics that have to be executed near-perfect to have a chance at winning. It favors people with strong memorization skills and who are comfortable with only playing the meta. I think there is space for a game that offers high variability, which stresses not the massive risk of a single failure, but the chance for people to react to what they see in that moment and being unable to predict exactly what will happen next. Sure, there will likely be a new meta, but more variability require more flexibility on the part of the players, and possibly opens up more options for approaches, builds, etc.

Anyway, great points, I agree 100%. Thanks again for a clean video!


I just started playing path of exiles for the first time last week, I have no idea how to play it but I'm hooked for now


"being efficient" is just... a whole mindset. I find it really hard to just stop thinking about my usual minmaxing planning shenanigans, I probably won't be able to just go around doing whatever and not think about how I could spend this time with more profit for my levelling/gearing up/etc. It's something I've been doing for years and it's not something you can just switch from.


Something I'll mention about the Meta discussion is that I often see players of all skill levels following meta build guides simply because they don't want to waste their time figuring out their build that may end up being bad and then may need to reroll their character. This of course varies game to game but I do see it a lot. Having access to all the information about a game (content creators, wiki's, etc) is both a blessing and a curse. You are right about the first month or so of a new MMO launch, it's the best time to play as it's the most popular it'll likely ever be and no one knows shit about anything. It's great. I felt that a little bit with the NA launch of Lost Ark but since it was already released in other regions, there was a guide for everything and with how grindy that game is, not following the guides just made it feel like you were wasting your time.


thanks for make that vid. that why i had left the mmo world too as i got 2 years in that wheel and now i enjoy more be social.


Would love to see something in the description like a list of titles that were used for this video. There were several that I was like, "Ooh, what is this game? I don't recognize it and it looks pretty cool." lol But I don't know what games they are. The video itself hit home majorly for me. I've been playing primarily MMO's for the last 22 yrs, since EQ1 release. Currently taking a break from all of them for a time. In this video I recognized most of the games as either having played or at least looked into.


@6:40 - "Right now there are more MMOs with millions of players than any time before. If someone's looking for an MMO today, they have more quality options than ever."
"Try to understand why some of the more popular ones have millions of players playing them. Give those MMOs a chance..."

Thing is, most MMO fans HAVE tried nearly everything that's available and, if we're "bored" of them, it's because NONE OF THEM are actually inspiring.

- World of Warcraft got defanged many expansions ago. WotLK implemented "follow quest markers, " had built-in guides on how to defeat bosses, dungeons were designed as vehicles for loot rather than actual dungeons like Deadmines or Shadowfang Keep. And it kept going downhill from there.

- Final Fantasy 14 is a single-player online game with SOME ability to play cooperatively. The game will literally block you from progressing unless you leave your group. Dungeons are mere checkpoints to the story.

- Elder Scrolls Online is a mix between WoW and FF14. It says a lot that its main strength is its business model. What good it has is ruined by a janky combat system and, unless you play by yourself or with close friends, you won't be able to keep up with other people unless you also abuse it by animation canceling.

- Guild Wars 2 is pretty neat but the horizontal progression makes playing it kind of boring. You play through the story, you do fractals a couple of times and then you hunt for achievements. The original was a whole lot better.

- Lost Ark would be amazing if it wasn't for the fact that it's the most on-rails and grindy game on the list. You want to play with your friends? You need to go through thousands of weeks worth of quests to catch up before you do. It also has the most skitsofrenic aesthetics by going full medieval fantasy on one continent, then go full steampunk with flying robots with machine guns on the other.

- Albion Online is decent but lacks purpose. You can do "anything you want" but, unless you're big in PvP (I like PvP but I don't make it my mission), it ultimately boils down to gather resources or farm near-identical group dungeons.

- New World has a really fun leveling experience but it's sitting on a bad, buggy foundation. Weapons & abilities are lackluster and you have to dig deep in order to get any interesting lore.

- EVE Online requires a PhD in Excel to even begin to understand.

The gems are really in the older MMOs that are either dead or are so archaic in their controls that they're hard to play now (Ultima Online, Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest). The best experience in recent memory was Warhammer Online which was ruined by faction imbalance and bugs. Even if you were to play these games now, there's basically no real pleasure in experiencing a world that no longer gets updated.

That's why WoW Classic is such a stupid concept.


Soon as I started socializing in ffxiv, my love for mmo reignited. I'm bored to play video games but the social keeps me hooked
