Atheist Dies; Shocked by What She Saw on the Other Side (Powerful NDE)

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People who have had near-death experiences often report having had transformative and mystical encounters with angels, God, or Jesus, leading to a greater understanding of their own spirituality and the nature of the afterlife. These otherworldly experiences can be both surreal and illuminating, and may provide glimpses into the realms of Heaven or Hell, or even involve out-of-body experiences.

Such encounters are often described as being deeply religious and can have a lasting impact on a person's beliefs and worldview.

Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and even more, claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBEs).

These are their stories. If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.

Near-death experiences, or NDEs, are often described as profound and life-changing events. They can happen to anyone, and they often involve a sense of peace, love and a sense of connection with something greater than oneself. This is what happened to a heart attack survivor who shared his incredible journey to the other side on the "700 club", a Christian television program. His testimony of visiting heaven and being sent back to earth with a new perspective on life, has been featured on the Jeff Mara podcast, a show that explores topics such as NDEs and afterlife experiences.

Many people have shared their own NDEs on the "700 club" testimonies, and their stories often involve similar themes of love, peace and a sense of connection with the divine. Some have even described visiting the afterlife realms, like heaven and hell. The term "OBE" or "out-of-body experience" is often used to describe the feeling of floating above one's own body and observing events from a detached perspective.

The story of this heart attack survivor, has been shared on the Jeffmara podcast, where the host interview people who have had NDE's and other extraordinary experiences. The story of this survivor, is not an exception and it's a proof of how NDEs can be powerful and transformative experiences that can change one's life forever. Some people like Dorothy Shelton, believe that NDEs can be a way of communicating with God, Jesus and the divine, and that they can provide us with valuable insights into the nature of life, death and the afterlife.

Explore the fascinating world of near-death experiences (NDEs) with our curated collection of videos and stories. From heartwarming tales of heavenly encounters to mind-bending scientific studies, our channel covers all aspects of NDEs. Discover firsthand accounts from individuals who have undergone NDEs, as well as expert insights from researchers, doctors, and spiritual leaders. Join us on a journey to uncover the mysteries of the afterlife and gain a deeper understanding of the profound impact that NDEs can have on our lives. Subscribe now to stay up-to-date with the latest NDE videos, documentaries, and research.

There are many resources available for those interested in studying near-death experiences (NDEs). One popular platform for learning about NDEs is YouTube, where there are numerous videos of people sharing their stories of experiencing the afterlife. These stories can provide insight into what people commonly report seeing or feeling during an NDE. Additionally, there are documentaries and TED Talks that explore the phenomenon of NDEs in more detail. The Near Death Experience Research Association conducts studies on the subject, and there is ongoing research into the science behind NDEs. While there is no definitive proof of an afterlife, many people find comfort in the stories of those who have had NDEs and the possibility that there is something beyond this life. Some notable examples include Anita Moorjani's bestselling book "Dying to be Me" and her subsequent TED Talk, as well as the 700 Club's coverage of NDEs. For more information, one can also consult resources like Wikipedia's page on NDEs or search for relevant keywords such as "near death signs" or "afterlife definition" on YouTube.

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I believe you 100 percent. Thank you for telling your experience. I hope your recovery happens quickly and painlessly. . God has blessed you! .


I try to use these experiences to meditate with my eyes closed and then BAM! Someone is shouting in my ears to buy something!! I wish they would put the commercials at the end of the video.


This is what John, Paul, George and Ringo were shouting about since the 1960s. The Word (is love).


Your helping alot of people i don't want to speak for god but I'm sure he's proud of you god bless you and thank you.amen


I was raised as an atheist, I still don't believe in the man made gods that humanity has created but I do believe there is something more. I don't know what but I'm not afraid of death anymore


Same I do believe you and I hope that someone from above will be there for me when my times comes! I say that because I experience OBE almost every night if I want but void and darkness in human form is the only one there. Anyway will be what will be but fly is one of my favourite things to do. I wish th light wi!! Show it self to me. I understand that they are not allowed to interfere randomly and I accept that.. 💓💓💓
Much love from a terrestrial brother👏


I would like the person to tell the story who experienced all this. Unfortunately I cannot listen to a computer voice.


Once you strip away all the human made labels one realizes it is only you, your heart and Love, not your religion, culture, genetics... just what you bring in your heart to God that matters. All the evil done in the world is done with and justified using labels (Jewish, Muslim, Christian... all religions, all "differences"). Drop the labels and you will seek and ACT with Love, and your hearts and soul will be better for it.


Heaven is the realm of Jesus Christ as God, only.


You often hear about "the other side" being a place full love. I wonder what that feels like? As humans, we feel love through physical touch, words of affirmation, compliments, etc.., but none of that exists in this alternate universe. So, how do they know that what they feel is love and not just happiness?


Search and you will find… and the Truth shall set you free!


Unfortunately now we are aware of Samantha demise & the killer. We still are unaware of how, why & where she is. U were absolutely cotrect, they had the perp under surveillance for 2 wks apparently but he will not give information on where she is. Lived in the area but was only 22 & said to be unknown to the family but maybe did see her regularly running. Thank u DR Todd.


I’m a firm believer in NDE’s and the eternal soul. I just wish these personal accounts were actually said by the real people. An AI generated voice detracts greatly from its authenticity. It’s not just the voice but the vernacular. As if all the NDE accounts were written by the same person reciting various different experiences. I know it might be nitpicking but it’s an important subject. We can do better.


Arguing is fine when you’re the one that is being sent back to suffer. At what point is it ok to force any soul to go to a place to suffer because it’s some agenda we don’t know about?


Nancy Rhynes, her book is well worth reading


It's odd. Different people have different experiences of the after-life.


A lot of these videos there’s little mention of you can get some of the same exact experiences from using your astral body an above.


Jesus is the only way to heaven and repenting of not believe every near death experience. Remember she had a nde, she did not actually die. There is a difference...


STFU...Ecclesiastes 9:5: This verse from Ecclesiastes says, "For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, And they have no more reward, For the memory of them is forgotten." John 11:11-14: Here, Jesus refers to Lazarus' death as "sleep." Jesus says, "Our friend Lazarus sleeps, but I go that I may wake him up."


There is most definitely an after. EXSPECT IT
